
Here you can try out Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose with some other cutting-edge technologies.

Primary LanguageKotlin


The Wire is a Kotlin Multiplatform sample project, currently supporting Android and Windows.

Tools And Technolagies


You can try out new technologies on this playground.


android and desktop(windows) modules are platform specific.

common:main: shared business logic.

common:compose-ui: shared compose ui components.

Installing & Running

Download the Wire source code

Clone the source code by git clone https://github.com/rezaiyan/wire.git and wait for the Gradle build to succeed

To run the windows application run the following command gradlew desktop:run


  • Android Studio Arctic Fox or higher
  • Android gradle plugin version 4.2.1
  • Gradle version 6.9


  • Establish the clean architecture and MVI pattern.
  • Applying SOLID principles to achieve a testable code
  • Having a better UI design.
  • Make use of another free API to fill the screen.


Contributions and feedback are always welcome, so please feel free to get started!