
An application for group online listening to audio content

Mobile application written for iOS with MVVM architecture in Swift language

Frameworks and libraries used:

Client side:

  • SwiftUI - interface layout
  • Combine - asynchrony and reactivity
  • Apollo GraphQL - API query processing
  • NukeUI - image caching
  • WebRTC - data feeds and audio streaming

Server side:

  • Go
  • SQlite
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • WebRTC


  • User registration (mail/password)

  • Room list

  • Create public and private rooms

  • Connecting to a room by code

  • Room management by administrator

  • Room playlist creation

  • Synchronization of audio between all participants maximum delays not more than 0.2c

  • Actions with audio rewind, switching

  • Chat between participants

  • Animated room likes

  • Reactions to messages

  • Stickers in message

  • Light dark theme

    📹 Video


Start server

  • go v.1.21.1
  • brew install golang
  • сd server
  • go build -o audio-stream && ./audio-stream

Schematic of client server architecture


Screenshots 📷

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot