

Create WCF Duplex with Below version. Please have a look in repository

  • Service built in .Net Core 3.1 & Client .Net Core 3.1
  • Service built in .Net 4.8 & Client .Net Core 3.1

Add NetTcpBinding between UseServiceModel

    // Add the Echo Service
    builder.AddService<PVEventService>(serviceOptions =>
        // Set the default host name:port in generated WSDL and the base path for the address 
        serviceOptions.BaseAddresses.Add(new Uri($"http://{HOST_IN_WSDL}/EchoService"));
        serviceOptions.BaseAddresses.Add(new Uri($"https://{HOST_IN_WSDL}/EchoService"));

    // Add NetTcpBinding
    .AddServiceEndpoint<PVEventService, IPVEventContract>
    (new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None),$"net.tcp://{HOST}:{NETTCP_PORT}/EchoService");

In Client create channel

    EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress($"net.tcp://{HOST}:{NETTCP_PORT}/EchoService");
    Binding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
    IPVEventCallback callback = new CallBackHandler();
    InstanceContext context = new InstanceContext(callback);

    var factory = new DuplexChannelFactory<IPVEventContract>(context, binding, address);
    IPVEventContract channel = factory.CreateChannel();