
missing code for the package

Closed this issue · 6 comments

dear @rezeck we tried your amazing GRF based collective transport algorithm, and we want to inform you that it DOESN'T work... So please send us the updated files. the issue that will found is the all robot when saw the target all of it goes to target without object.
finally we built your hero2.0v robot and we prefer to applied the algorithm in hero 2.0 bot please.....<3

Dear @besobees ,

Thank you for trying out our GRF based collective transport algorithm with the Hero robots! We're glad you find it promising.

I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're facing. Could you please provide more details? Specifically, which branch are you using? Also, how are you running the code? Understanding your environment will help me diagnose the problem.

Additionally, could you elaborate on the behavior you're experiencing (with images or videos)? It seems all robots are heading towards the target without considering obstacles. Clarifying this will assist me in troubleshooting.

In the meantime, would you mind trying the 'dev' branch? It might have the updates you're looking for.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

I utilize the main file of GRF Transport (grf_transport main) for multiple steps of execution through the following link: In this process, the robots initiate movement of the object towards the designated target. Once the object reaches the target, another robot stationed at the target location pushes it outside. Moreover, if a robot perceives the target before detecting the object, it prioritizes heading towards the target rather than engaging with the object. this link in the website does not work /

However, when employing the GRF Transport development file (grf_transport dev), the robots encounter cant identifying both the object and the target. Additionally, the robots tend to collide with the edges of the ring during operation look to this picture.

also there are two videos for the main file i will show you it now
Screencast from 24 آذار, 2024 +03 11 28 47 م.webm
Screencast from 24 آذار, 2024 +03 11 29 23 م.webm

finally the result of the trials is different between your paper and my run so i excepted that you have anew files.
thank you for replying and your interesting i wish to text me soon.

Hi @besobees ,

Thanks a lot for the detailed comment! I'll try to replicate it today and see if I've missed a step in the tutorial or if there's an issue with the code that's currently running. I'll do my best to come back with a fix in the next few days.

Best regards,

Hi @besobees ,

Can you try running the main branch again? It is working properly now.

docker compose build

Run script:


Screencastfrom30-03-2024225842-ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter

Best regards,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm delighted to see that everything is working well now and that the issue has been successfully resolved. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you in the future.

Hi @besobees ,

Glad I could help! Looking forward to future collaborations.
