
Location plugin for Winter CMS

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Location plugin

This plugin adds location based features to Winter CMS.

  • Easily add Country and State to any model
  • Form widget for address lookups (Google API)

Google API key requirement

As of June 22, 2016 the Google Maps service requires an API key. You may generate a key from the following link:

Copy the key and enter it in the Settings > Location settings area. If you find the address finder is not working, you may need to enable the Places API and the Maps JavaScript API.

Add Country and State to any model

This plugin provides an easy way to add location fields, country and state, to any model. Simply add these columns to the database table:


Then implement the Winter.Location.Behaviors.LocationModel behavior in the model class:

public $implement = ['Winter.Location.Behaviors.LocationModel'];

This will automatically create two "belongs to" relationships:

  1. state - relation for Winter\Location\Models\State
  2. country - relation for Winter\Location\Models\Country

Back-end usage


You are free to add the following form field definitions:

    label: winter.location::lang.country.label
    type: dropdown
    span: left
    placeholder: winter.location::lang.country.select

    label: winter.location::lang.state.label
    type: dropdown
    span: right
    dependsOn: country
    placeholder: winter.location::lang.state.select


For the list column definitions, you can use the following snippet:

     label: winter.location::lang.country.label
     searchable: true
     relation: country
     select: name
     sortable: false

     label: winter.location::lang.state.label
     searchable: true
     relation: state
     select: name
     sortable: false

Front-end usage

The front-end can also use the relationships by creating a partial called country-state with the content:

{% set countryId = countryId|default(form_value('country_id')) %}
{% set stateId = stateId|default(form_value('state_id')) %}

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="accountCountry">Country</label>
    {{ form_select_country('country_id', countryId, {
        id: 'accountCountry',
        class: 'form-control',
        emptyOption: '',
        'data-request': 'onInit',
        'data-request-update': {
            'country-state': '#partialCountryState'
    }) }}

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="accountState">State</label>
    {{ form_select_state('state_id', countryId, stateId, {
        id: 'accountState',
        class: 'form-control',
        emptyOption: ''
    }) }}

This partial can be rendered in a form with the following:

<div id="partialCountryState">
    {% partial 'country-state' countryId=user.country_id stateId=user.state_id %}

Short code accessors

The behavior will also add a special short code accessor and setter to the model that converts country_code and state_code to their respective identifiers.

// Softly looks up and sets the country_id and state_id
// for these Country and State relations.

$model->country_code = "US";
$model->state_code = "FL";

Address Finder Form Widget

This plugin introduces an address lookup form field called addressfinder. The form widget renders a Google Maps autocomplete address field that automatically populates mapped fields based on the value entered and selected in the address.

Available mappings:

  • street
  • city
  • zip
  • state
  • country
  • country-long
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • vicinity

Available options:

You can restrict the address lookup to certain countries by defining the countryRestriction option. The option accepts a comma separated list of ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 compatible country codes (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).


# ===================================
#  Form Field Definitions
# ===================================

        label: Address
        type: addressfinder
        countryRestriction: 'us,ch'
            latitude: latitude
            longitude: longitude
            city: city
            zip: zip
            country: country_code
            state: state_code
            vicinity: vicinity

        label: City
        label: Zip
        label: Country
        label: State
        label: Latitude
        label: Longitude
        label: Vicinity