
Demoing Service Mesh (istio) capabilities in a microservices app

Service Mesh Demo

This repo contains demo for my talk about service meshes. It is based on microservices-demo application with some minor changes to make it play nicely with istio.

This demo is deployed and tested with kubernetes 1.16 and istio 1.5

Sock Shop app


0. Install istio

  1. Refer to istio docs for different methods on how to install istio. Istio will be installed in a deferent namespace called istio-system
  2. Create a namespace for our application and add a namespace label to instruct Istio to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies during deployment of sock-shop app.
$ kubectl apply -f 1-deploy-app/manifests/sock-shop-ns.yaml 

You can find more about sidecar injection here

1. Deployment

No changes we're made to the original k8s manifests from microservices-demo repo except:

  • updating Deployment resources to use the sable api apps/v1 required since k8s 1.16
  • added version: v1 label to all Kubernetes deployments. We need it for Istio Destination Rules to work properly

1. deploy app

$ kubectl apply -f 1-deploy-app/manifests

2. Configure Istio virtual services & Distination rules

$ kubectl apply -f 1-deploy-app/sockshop-virtual-services.yaml

Along with virtual services, destination rules are a key part of Istio’s traffic routing functionality. You can think of virtual services as how you route your traffic to a given destination, and then you use destination rules to configure what happens to traffic for that destination.

3. Configure Istio ingress gateway

$ kubectl apply -f 1-deploy-app/sockshop-gateway.yaml

An ingress Gateway describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh that receives incoming HTTP/TCP connections. It configures exposed ports, protocols, etc. but, unlike Kubernetes Ingress Resources, It does not include any traffic routing configuration.

4. Verifying our config

$ istioctl proxy-status

Using the istioctl proxy-status command allows us to get an overview of our mesh. If you suspect one of your sidecars isn’t receiving configuration or is not synchronized, proxy-status will let you know.

If everything is fine, run the below command to open sock-shop app in your browser

$ open "http://$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'):$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].port}')"

Note: If you are using minikube, remember to run

minikube tunnel

This will ensure you can open the url above in your browser.

If everything is fine you should see the app up and running along with some socks :)

5. User accounts

Username Password
user password
user1 password

2. Traffic Management

Istio’s traffic routing rules let you easily control the flow of traffic and API calls between services. Istio simplifies configuration of service-level properties like circuit breakers, timeouts, and retries, and makes it easy to set up important tasks like A/B testing, canary rollouts, and staged rollouts with percentage-based traffic splits.

We start by rolling a new Deployment of v2 version of the front-end service

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/front-end-dep-v2.yaml

now we have 2 versions of the front-end app running side by side. However if you hit the browser you'll see only the v1 (blue)

1. Blue/Green Deployment

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green. Now let's switch to v1 (red) as live environment serving all production traffic.

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/blue-green/frontv2-virtual-service.yaml

Now if you check the app, you'll see only the v2 (red version) of our application. Same way, you can rollback at any moment to the old version

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/blue-green/frontv1-virtual-service.yaml

2. Canary deployment

Istio’s routing rules provides important advantages; you can easily control fine-grained traffic percentages (e.g., route 10% of traffic without requiring 100 pods) and you can control traffic using other criteria (e.g., route traffic for specific users to the canary version). To illustrate, let’s look at deploying the front-end service and see how simple to achieve canary deployment using istio.

For that, we need to set a routing rule to control the traffic distribution by sending 20% of the traffic to the canary (v2). execute the following command

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/canary/canary-virtual-service.yaml 

and refresh the page a couple of times. The majority of pages return v1 (blue), with some v2 (red) from time to time.

3. Route based on some criteria

With istio, we can easily route requests when they met some desired criteria. For now we have v1 and v2 deployed in our clusters, we can forward all forward all users using Firefox to v2, and serve v1 to all other clients:

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/route-headers/frontv2-virtual-service-firefox.yaml

4. Mirroring

Traffic mirroring (also called shadowing), is a powerful concept that allows feature teams to bring changes to production with as little risk as possible. Mirroring sends a copy of live traffic to a mirrored service. You can then send the traffic to out-of-band of the critical request path for the primary service (Content inspection, Threat monitoring, Troubleshooting)

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/mirorring/mirror-v2.yaml 

This new rule sends 100% of the traffic to v1 while mirroring the same traffic to v2. you can check the logs of v1 and v2 pods to verify that logs created in v2 are the mirrored requests that are actually going to v1.

5. Clean up

$ kubectl apply -f 2-traffic-management/cleanup-virtual-service.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f 2-traffic-management/canary/front-end-dep-v2.yaml  

3. Resiliency

1. Fault injection

Fault injection is an incredibly powerful way to test and build reliable distributed applications. Istio allows you to configure faults for HTTP traffic, injecting arbitrary delays or returning specific response codes (e.g., 500) for some percentage of traffic.

Delay fault

In this example. we gonna inject five seconds delay for all traffic calling the catalogue service. This is a great way to reliably test how our app behaves on a bad network.

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/fault-injection/delay-fault-injection-virtual-service.yaml

Open the application and you can see that it takes now longer to render catalogs

Abort fault

Replying to clients with specific response codes, like a 429 or a 500, is also great for testing. For example, it can be challenging to programmatically test how your application behaves when a third-party service that it depends on begins to fail. Using Istio, you can write a set of reliable end-to-end tests of your application’s behavior in the presence of failures of its dependencies.

For example, we can simulate 10% of requests to catalogue service is failing at runtime with a 500 response code.

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/fault-injection/abort-fault-injection-virtual-service.yaml 
$ open "http://$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'):$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].port}')/catalogue"

Refresh the page a couple of times. You'll notice that sometimes it doesn't return the json list of catalogs

2. Load-Balancing Strategy

Client-side load balancing is an incredibly valuable tool for building resilient systems. By allowing clients to communicate directly with servers without going through reverse proxies, we remove points of failure while still keeping a well-behaved system. By default, Istio uses a round-robin load balancing policy, where each service instance in the instance pool gets a request in turn. Istio supports other options that you can check here

More complex load-balancing strategies such as consistent hash-based load balancing are also supported. In this example we set up sticky sessions for catalogue based on source IP address as the hash key.

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/load-balancing/load-balancing-consistent-hash.yaml

3. Circuit Breaking

Circuit breaking is a pattern of protecting calls (e.g., network calls to a remote service) behind a circuit breaker. If the protected call returns too many errors, we trip the circuit breaker and return errors to the caller without executing the protected call.

For example, we can configure circuit breaking rules for catalogue service and test the configuration by intentionally tripping the circuit breaker. To achieve this, we gonna use a simple load-testing client called fortio. Fortio lets us control the number of connections, concurrency, and delays for outgoing HTTP calls.

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/circuit-breaking/circuit-breaking.yaml 
$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/circuit-breaking/fortio.yaml 
$ FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n sock-shop| grep fortio | awk '{ print $1 }')  
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -c 4 -qps 0 -n 40 -loglevel Warning http://catalogue/tags

In the DestinationRule settings, we specified maxConnections: 1 and http1MaxPendingRequests: 1. They indicate that if we exceed more than one connection and request concurrently, you should see some failures when the istio-proxy opens the circuit for further requests and connections. While testing, should expect something similar to this output:

Sockets used: 28 (for perfect keepalive, would be 4)
Code 200 : 14 (35.0 %)
Code 503 : 26 (65.0 %)

4. Retries

Every system has transient failures: network buffers overflow, a server shutting down drops a request, a downstream system fails, and so on.

Istio gives you the ability to configure retries globally for all services in your mesh. More significant, it allows you to control those retry strategies at runtime via configuration, so you can change client behavior on the fly.

The following example configures a maximum of 3 retries to connect to catalogue service subset after an initial call failure, each with a 1s timeout.

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/retry/retry-virtual-service.yaml

Worth nothing to mention that retry policy defined in a VirtualService works in concert with the connection pool settings defined in the destination’s DestinationRule to control the total number of concurrent outstanding retries to the destination.

5. Timeouts

Timeouts are important for building systems with consistent behavior. By attaching deadlines to requests, we’re able to abandon requests taking too long and free server resources.

Here we configure a virtual service that specifies a 5 second timeout for calls to the v1 subset of the catalogue service:

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/timeout/timeout-virtual-service.yaml

We combined in the example the use of retry and timeout. The timeout represents then the total time that the client will spend waiting for a server to return a result.

5. Clean up

$ kubectl apply -f 3-resiliency/cleanup-virtual-service.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f 3-resiliency/circuit-breaking/fortio.yaml 

4. Policy

1. Rate limiting

Rate limiting is generally put in place as a defensive measure for services. Shared services need to protect themselves from excessive use (whether intended or unintended) to maintain service availability. Till very recently, the recommended way to set up rate limiting in Istio was to use mixer policy. Since version 1.5 the mixer policy is deprecated and not recommended for production, and the preferred way is using Envoy native rate limiting instead of mixer rate limiting. There is no native support yet for rate limiting API with Istio. Thus, we'll be using the Envoy rate limit service, which is is a Go/gRPC service designed to enable generic rate limit scenarios from different types of applications. To mimic a real world example, we suppose that we have 2 plans:

  • Basic: 5 requests pe minute
  • Plus: 20 requests per minute

We configure Envoy rate limiting actions to look for x-plan and x-account in request headers. We also configure the descriptor match any request with the account and plan keys, such that ('account', '<unique value>'), ('plan', 'BASIC | PLUS'). The account key doesn't specify any value, it uses each unique value passed into the rate limiting service to match. The plan descriptor key has two values specified and depending on which one matches (BASIC or PLUS) determines the rate limit, either 5 request per minute for BASIC or 20 requests per minute for PLUS.

$ kubectl apply -f 4-policy/rate-limiting/rate-limit-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 4-policy/rate-limiting/rate-limit-envoy-filter.yaml 

Testing the above scenarios prove that the rate limiting is working

$ kubectl apply -f 4-policy/fortio.yaml 
$ FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n sock-shop| grep fortio | awk '{ print $1 }')  
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -c 1 -qps 0 -n 2 -loglevel Warning -H "x-plan: BASIC" -H "x-account: user" $INGRESS_IP/catalogue
Sockets used: 5 (for perfect keepalive, would be 1)
Code 200 : 1 (50.0 %)
Code 429 : 1 (50.0 %)
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -c 1 -qps 0 -n 4 -loglevel Warning -H "x-plan: PLUS" -H "x-account: user2" $INGRESS_IP/catalogue
Sockets used: 5 (for perfect keepalive, would be 1)
Code 200 : 2 (50.0 %)
Code 429 : 2 (50.0 %)

Or you can use curl from your terminal:

export INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

curl --request GET "http://${INGRESS_IP}/catalogue" -I --header 'x-plan: BASIC' --header 'x-account: user'

curl --request GET "http://${INGRESS_IP}/catalogue" -I --header 'x-plan: PLUS' --header 'x-account: user'

You can check in redis how keys are stored:

export REDIS_POD=$(kubectl get pod -n rate-limit | grep redis | awk '{ print $1 }')

k -n rate-limit exec -it $REDIS_POD -c redis /bin/sh


keys *


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a method of enforcing client-side access controls on resources by specifying external domains that are able to access certain or all routes of your domain. Browsers use the presence of HTTP headers to determine if a response from a different origin is allowed.

For example, the following rule restricts cross origin requests to those originating from aboullaite.me domain using HTTP POST/GET, and sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header to false. In addition, it only exposes X-Foo-bar header and sets an expiry period of 1 day.

$ kubectl apply -f 4-policy/cors/cors-virtual-service.yaml  

Checking now CORS options to confirm that the config effectively took place

curl -I -X OPTIONS -H 'access-control-request-method: PUT' -H 'origin: http://aboullaite.me' http://$INGRESS_IP/catalogue
#### should return output below
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-origin: http://aboullaite.me
access-control-allow-methods: POST,GET
access-control-allow-headers: X-Foo-Bar
access-control-max-age: 86400
date: Sat, 23 May 2020 15:40:05 GMT
server: istio-envoy
content-length: 0

3. Clean up

$ kubectl apply -f 4-policy/cleanup-virtual-service.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f 4-policy/fortio.yaml 
$ kubectl delete -f 4-policy/rate-limiting/rate-limit-service.yaml

5. Security

1. mutual TLS authentication

With all of the identity certificates (SVIDs) distributed to workloads across the system, how do we actually use them to verify the identity of the servers with which we’re communicating and perform authentication and authorization? This is where mTLS comes into play. mTLS is TLS in which both parties, client and server, present certificates to each other. This allows the client to verify the identity of the server, like normal TLS, but it also allows the server to verify the identity of the client attempting to establish the connection. In this example, we will migrate the existing Istio services traffic from plaintext to mutual TLS without breaking live traffic.

Istio 1.5 brings the concept of PeerAuthentication, which is a CRD that allows us to enable and configure mTLS at both the cluster level and namespace level. First we start by enabling mTLS:

$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/mtls/peer-auth-mtls.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/mtls/destination-rule-tls.yml  

To confirm that plain-text requests fail as TLS is required to talk to any service in the mesh, we redeploy fortlio by disabling sidecare injection this time. and run some requests

$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/fortio.yaml
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -curl -k http://catalogue/tags  

You should notice that fortio fails to make calls to catalogue service, and we get a Connection reset by peer which is what we expected. Now how do we get a successful connection? In order to have applications communicate over mutual TLS, they need to be on-boarded onto the mesh. Or we can disable mTLS for catalogue service

$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/disable-mtls-catalogue.yaml
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -curl -k http://catalogue/tags  

You can see that the request was successful! But if you go to our app, you should notice that no catalogues are returned, we should re-enable mtls again in order to work:

$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/mtls/peer-auth-mtls.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/mtls/destination-rule-tls.yml  

2. Authorization for HTTP traffic

Istio’s authorization features provide mesh-, namespace-, and workload-wide access control for your workloads in the mesh. We'll start by creating a deny-all policy for the /catalogue path in the front-end service

$ kubectl apply 5-security/http-auth/deny-policy.yaml   

Point your browser at the app (http://$$INGRESS_IP/catalogue). You should see "RBAC: access denied". The error shows that the configured deny-all policy is working as intended. Let's fix this:

$ kubectl apply 5-security/http-auth/allow-policy.yaml   

Here we allow only GET http method. If you try to call the link using a POST method for example, you should see "RBAC: access denied".

3. JWT

Another great feature of Istio authorization policy ia ability to enforce access based on a JSON Web Token (JWT). An Istio authorization policy supports both string typed and list-of-string typed JWT claims. Let's start by creating a RequestAuthentication policy for the front-end workload in the sock-shop namespace. This policy for front-end workload accepts a JWT issued by testing@secure.istio.io. We'll create also a AuthorizationPolicy policy that requires all requests to the front-end workload to have a valid JWT with requestPrincipal set to testing@secure.istio.io/testing@secure.istio.io.

$ kubectl apply -f 5-security/jwt/jwt-request-auth.yaml  

Verify that a request with an invalid JWT is denied:

kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -curl -H "Authorization: Bearer invalidToken" http://catalogue/tags

Verify that a request with a valid JWT is allowed:

$ TOKEN=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aboullaite/service-mesh/master/5-security/jwt/data.jwt -s)
$ kubectl -n sock-shop exec -it $FORTIO_POD  -c fortio /usr/bin/fortio -- load -curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://catalogue/tags

4. Clean up

$ kubectl delete -f 5-security/jwt/jwt-request-auth.yaml  

6. Observability

Insight is the number one reason why people deploy a service mesh. Not only do service meshes provide a level of immediate insight, but they also do so uniformly and ubiquitously. You might be accustomed to having individual monitoring solutions for distributed tracing, logging, security, access control, metering, and so on. Service meshes centralize and assist in consolidating these separate panes of glass by generating metrics, logs, and traces of requests transiting the mesh.

To generate some load for our application, we deploy a small load testing app that packages a test script for Locust and simulates user traffic to Sock Shop:

$ kubectl apply -f 6-observability/loadtest-dep.yaml

1. Prometheus

First, let's verify that the prometheus service is running in the cluster:

$ kubectl -n istio-system get svc prometheus

You should see that its up and available on port 9090. Let's check it out by configuring port-forwarding:

$ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=prometheus -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 9090:9090 &

Next, open localhost:9090 on your browser and let's query for total requests to catalogue service. In the Expression input box at the top of the web page, enter the text: istio_requests_total{destination_service="catalogue.sock-shop.svc.cluster.local"}. Then, click the Execute button.

Prometheus metrics

You can exit port-forwarding mode using ctrl + c

2. Grafana

Grafana is mainly used to visualize the prometheus data. Similarly we verify that the service is running and use port-forwarding to visualize Grafana dashboard:

$ kubectl -n istio-system get svc grafana
$ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=grafana -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 3000:3000 &

Then open localhost:3000, click on Istio Mesh Dashboard. This gives the global view of the Mesh along with services and workloads in the mesh. You can get more details about services and workloads by navigating to their specific dashboards.

Istio Dashboard

From the Grafana dashboard’s left hand corner navigation menu, you can navigate to Istio Service Dashboard and select any service. It gives details about metrics for the service and then client workloads (workloads that are calling this service) and service workloads (workloads that are providing this service) for that service. Catalogue service dashboard

3. Tracing

Tracing allows you to granularly track request segments (spans) as the request is processed across various services. It’s difficult to introduce later, as (among other reasons) third-party libraries used by the application also need to be instrumented.

Istio-enabled applications can be configured to collect trace spans using, for instance, the popular Jaeger distributed tracing system. Distributed tracing lets you see the flow of requests a user makes through your system, and Istio's model allows this regardless of what language/framework/platform you use to build your application.

Again, we configure port-forwarding using:

$ kubectl port-forward -n istio-system $(kubectl get pod -n istio-system -l app=jaeger -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 16686:16686 &

From the left-hand pane of the dashboard, select any service from the Service drop-down list and click Find Traces:


Click on any trace to see details. The trace is comprised of a set of spans, where each span corresponds to a service, invoked during the execution of a request

Jaeger Traces

4. Kiali

First step, is to verify Kiali is running and port-forward to access kiali:

$ kubectl -n istio-system get svc kiali
$ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=kiali -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 20001:20001

Open kiali dashboard an login using admin as the username and password. you should the Overview page immediately after you log in. To view a namespace graph, click on the sock-shop graph icon in the Sock-Shop namespace card.

Kiali graph

As you can see, the graph that Kiali generated is an excellent way to get a general idea of how a given microservices application is working behind the scenes, which services talk to which, stream flow... To examine the details about the Istio configuration, click on the Applications, Workloads, and Services menu icons on the left menu bar. The following screenshot shows the Sock-shop applications information:

