This repository contains a collection of useful tools for use with TaskCluster. Generally, we strive to not add UI to TaskCluster components, but instead offer well documented APIs that can be easily consumed using a client library for TaskCluster. See TaskCluster documentation site for details.
- Node version 4.x
git clone
cd taskcluster-tools
npm install
- lib/ (code intended for reuse)
- / (application specific-code, can be reused)
(file containing JSX)*.js
(file with pure Javascript, no JSX syntax or header)
Our grunt file offers compilation of:
- Javascript/JSX (react.js) files to browserified bundles
- less files to CSS
- jade files to HTML
Install the dependencies needed for grunt and start it up:
- npm install
- grunt develop or (./node_modules/.bin/grunt develop)
Note: "grunt develop --force" allows grunt not to bail out when you save a syntax error or something similarly harmless.
Grunt allows you to test and see your changes.
The grunt default task builds, watches sources and serves them from
, the default target build, watches sources and serves thebuild/
folder onhttp://localhost:9000/
.grunt build
, builds sources into thebuild/
folder.grunt clean
, delete generated files (ie. deletes thebuild/
folder).grunt develop
, it serves on localhost and watches sources
Install sublime-react, open one of
files the do:
> Syntax
> Open all with current extension as...
> JavaScript (JSX)
Until someone comes up with something better, which probably involves redux or similar, all testing is manual. Open the tools and check that they work.
Ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet. Ngrok is used creating a https connection, so that you can login to the taskcluster-tools. For using ngrok:
- Create an account (free) on ngrok.
- Install ngrok - npm install ngrok
- Run ngrok - ngrok http 9000
Note: You have to run ngrok in a separate terminal/console.