
Playbooks we use to configure and manage our servers

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible playbooks


On the computer running the playbooks:

  • A Python virtualenv with the requirements installed
  • figlet and lolcat-c installed, to generate the ASCII art used in the MOTD banner

On the managed servers:

  • An ansible user account with passwordless sudo (run the create-ansible-user playbook for this)

To develop on your computer:

  • A Python virtualenv with the requirements installed
  • Recommended: the just command runner, to simplify running commands
  • Recommended: Visual Studio Code with the Ansible extension (you should be prompted to install it when opening the project)


A justfile is provided, to help you run the most common commands. Once you have installed just, you can run the following:

  • just (with no arguments): list all recipes/commands available
  • just playbook-deploy-infra: run the playbook (you can add any argument and they will be passed to the underlying ansible-playbook command)
  • just lint: run ansible-lint to check the playbooks and roles for errors and bad practices
  • just todo: search all files for # TODO and # noqa comments (they silence linter errors)
  • just vault <username>: login to Vault using the userpass method
  • just venv: create a local virtualenv using the currently available Python (in .venv) and install dependencies using pip
  • just cmdb: generate an HTML overview of all hosts in the inventory with information gathered by Ansible, including variables (using ansible-cmdb)
  • ...and more, see just for the updated list

If you want to run a playbook manually, you will need to:

  1. Export the Vault URL: export VAULT_ADDR=https://<vault URL>
  2. Login to Vault: vault login -method=userpass username=<username> (you can use any other method)
  3. Retrieve the SSH private key from Vault and save it as id_ed25519_ansible
  4. Execute a playbook: ansible-playbook --inventory hosts playbooks/deploy-server.yml

Continuous Integration (CI)

A GitHub Actions workflow is run on all push and pull requests to check any alerts from ansible-lint.

How to create the inventory

TODO: still useful?

Helpful links