
ConvertKit's official PHP SDK

Primary LanguagePHP

ConvertKit SDK PHP

ConvertKit's official PHP SDK


  1. Download or clone this repository
  2. Run composer install
  3. Add ./vendor/auoload.php to your project


Get your ConvertKit API Key and API Secret here and set it somewhere in your application.

$api = new \ConvertKit_API\ConvertKit_API($api_key, $api_secret);


Subscribe to a form

Add a subscriber to a form. The $subscribed response will be an object.

$tag_id = '99999'; // This tag must be valid for your ConvertKit account.

$options = [
			'email'      => 'test@test.com',
			'name'       => 'Full Name',
			'first_name' => 'First Name',
			'tags'       => $tag_id,
			'fields'     => [
				'phone' => 134567891243,
				'shirt_size' => 'M',
				'website_url' => 'testurl.com'

$subscribed = $api->form_subscribe($this->test_form_id, $options);

Get Subscriber ID

Get the ConvertKit Subscriber ID for a given email address.

$subscriber_id = $api->get_subscriber_id( $email );

Get Subscriber

Get subscriber data for a ConvertKit Subscriber.

$subscriber = $api->get_subscriber( $subscriber_id );

Get Subscriber Tags

Get all tags applied to a Subscriber.

$subscriber_tags = $api->get_subscriber_tags( $subscriber_id );

Add Tag to a Subscriber

Apply a tag to a Subscriber.

$tag_id = '99999'; // This tag must be valid for your ConvertKit account.
$api->add_tag(tag_id, [
			'email' => 'test@test.com'