This tool is meant for searching against key and/or value patterns in Vault. It will generate the full path to the identified key.

Installation Instructions

  1. We recommend using nvm (Node Version Manager) for managing Node.js versions. You can find installation instructions for nvm here.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Install the necessary dependencies with npm install.

Environment Management

This project uses environment variables for configuration. These can be set in a .env file in the project root. Here is an example .env file:


Command Line Instructions

  1. After installing the dependencies, you can run the project using npm start.
  2. To run tests, use the command npm test.
  3. For building the project, use npm run build.

ts-node Execution Command Line

To execute TypeScript files directly from the terminal, you can use the ts-node findVaultPath.ts command. Here are the options you can pass to the ts-node findVaultPath.ts command:

  • --key=^RDS.*: This option allows you to specify a key.
  • --token=${env:VAULT_TOKEN}: This option allows you to specify a token.
  • --url=${env:VAULT_URL}: This option allows you to specify a URL.
  • --csv=output.csv: This option allows you to specify an output CSV file. -- --collect-values: This flag allows to retrieve values.

Here is an example command line that mirrors the configuration used in the .vscode/launch.json: To execute the findVaultPath.ts script using ts-node, use the following command:

ts-node --project tsconfig.json findVaultPath.ts --key=^RDS.* --token=${VAULT_TOKEN} --url=${VAULT_URL} --csv=output.csv