
This project involves creating Python-based logical agents to solve planning, localization, mapping, and SLAM tasks in Pacman. Using logical sentences and a SAT solver (pycosat), we generate action sequences, determine Pacman’s location, build maps, and perform simultaneous localization and mapping.

Primary LanguagePython

Logic and Classical Planning

Packman Image


In this project, we utilize simple Python functions to generate logical sentences describing Pacman physics (pacphysics) and employ a SAT solver, pycosat, to solve various logical inference tasks. These tasks include:

  • Planning: Generating action sequences for Pacman to reach goal locations and eat all the dots.
  • Localization: Determining Pacman's location on the map given a local sensor model.
  • Mapping: Building the map from scratch.
  • SLAM: Simultaneous localization and mapping.

The assignment includes an autograder to facilitate grading answers locally. Use the command:

python autograder.py

Project Files

Files to Edit

  • logicPlan.py: Main file where logical agent code is implemented.

Files to Review

  • logic.py: Contains propositional logic code with utility functions.
  • logicAgents.py: Defines logical planning problems for Pacman.
  • pycosat_test.py: Tests pycosat module installation.
  • game.py: Simulator code for Pacman world, particularly the Grid class.

Files to Ignore

  • pacman.py: Main file for running Pacman games.
  • logic_util.py: Utility functions for logic.py.
  • util.py: General utility functions.
  • logic_planTestClasses.py: Project-specific autograding test classes.
  • graphicsDisplay.py: Graphics for Pacman.
  • graphicsUtils.py: Support for Pacman graphics.
  • textDisplay.py: ASCII graphics for Pacman.
  • ghostAgents.py: Agents controlling ghosts.
  • keyboardAgents.py: Keyboard interface to control Pacman.
  • layout.py: Code for reading and storing layout files.
  • autograder.py: Project autograder.
  • testParser.py: Parses autograder test and solution files.
  • testClasses.py: General autograding test classes.


Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Adhere to function and class naming conventions to avoid autograder issues. Your implementation's correctness will ultimately determine your score.

Academic Integrity

Submit original work. We will use code similarity detection tools to identify plagiarism.

Getting Help

Utilize course resources, including office hours, section, and discussion forums for support.

Grade Weighting

The project score totals 100 points. Each section's score is multiplied by 4, with the last question offering 2 extra credit points.

Tasks Overview

Expr Class

  • sentence1(): Represents a conjunction of three given sentences.
  • sentence2(): Represents a conjunction of four given sentences.
  • sentence3(): Creates symbols and an expression encoding three English sentences as propositional logic.
  • findModelCheck(): Mimics findModel output.
  • entails(premise, conclusion): Determines if the premise entails the conclusion.
  • plTrueInverse(assignments, inverse_statement): Evaluates the inverse statement given assignments.

Logic Workout

  • atLeastOne(literals): Returns an expression true if at least one literal is true.
  • atMostOne(literals): Returns an expression true if at most one literal is true.
  • exactlyOne(literals): Returns an expression true if exactly one literal is true.

Pacphysics and Satisfiability

  • pacmanSuccessorAxiomSingle: Defines conditions for Pacman’s location at time t.
  • pacphysicsAxioms: Generates pacphysics axioms.
  • checkLocationSatisfiability: Returns models proving Pacman's possible and impossible locations.

Path Planning with Logic

  • positionLogicPlan(problem): Generates action sequences to reach the goal.

Eating All the Food

  • foodLogicPlan(problem): Generates action sequences to eat all the food.


  • localization(problem, agent): Yields possible locations at each timestep.


  • mapping(problem, agent): Yields map knowledge at each timestep.

SLAM (Extra Credit)

  • slam(problem, agent): Yields map knowledge and possible locations at each timestep.

Installation and Setup

To install the required pycosat module:

  1. Activate your conda environment:
conda activate cap4621
  1. Install pycosat:
pip install pycosat


conda install -c anaconda pycosat

Test installation:

python pycosat_test.py