
Web development using Docker, React and RefluxJS. Nginx used as web server.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web development using Docker Compose, React and RefluxJS, with nginx used as web server.

The idea is to have a minimum project that shows how web development with React+Flux works. nginx is used to serve the web and everything has been dockerized.

React guidelines:

Build & Run container

You will need to install Docker and Docker Compose. If you are not in Linux then set your Docker Machine.

To build and run the "nginx-react" container:

  • docker-compose up -d

(it will run in the background, controlled by Supervisor)

To check the logs:

  • docker-compose logs -ft

To stop it (and remove it):

  • docker-compose down

(the container has no state so it can be destroyed and recreated every time)

Web application

To install the dependencies:

  • docker-compose exec nginx-react npm install --no-bin-links

That will create or update the src/node_modules folder. That has to be done the first time and every time that dependencies change in package.json.

To start the process that will check for changes in the Javascript code and will generate www/bundle.js:

  • docker-compose exec nginx-react npm start

You have to leave it running while you do your coding in order to keep the web updated with the latest changes. Once a new www/bundle.js is generated, it will show a new message like this:

  • 4178582 bytes written to ../www/bundle.js (5.62 seconds)

(Tip: use CTRL+C to stop it)

nginx is serving the www folder, which contains the index.html file.

To view the application:

  • Launch your web browser and connect to port 80, which is where nginx is listening
  • Note: if you are not in Linux then the nginx container is running inside a VM and you need to connect to port 80 of the IP address of that VM (use docker-machine ls to check it)

To generate a production www/bundle.js:

  • docker-compose exec nginx-react bash -c "node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js js/app.js -t [envify --NODE_ENV production] | node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs -cm -o ../www/bundle.js"

Some details

If you are not in Linux then the containers run inside a VM and volumes are shared folders. That could create some problems:

  • nginx:

    • nginx can have a file corruption problem
    • sendfile off has been set to avoid that issue
  • watchify:

    • watchify has problems detecting when a file changes so --poll is used
    • If you don't see any new ... written to ../www/bundle.js messages after changes in your javascript code remember that you will have to use CTRL+C to stop it and run it again in order to refresh www/bundle.js
  • npm:

    • npm has problems creating some symbolic links so --no-bin-links is used

Finally, if you have a backend you will have to configure nginx as a reverse proxy to be able to reach it:

  • Add a location with a proxy_pass directive in nginx/default.conf (there is already an example there)

  • Then reload the configuration file: docker-compose exec nginx-react nginx -s reload