
Starting point for Scalatra-based projects

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Starting point for Scalatra-based projects.

According to the documentation, conscript + giter8 is the recommended way to generate a skeleton project for Scalatra. This is based on that approach but the resulting skeleton is already produced and some useful things have been added.


  • This has been generated starting with a blank sbt project in IntelliJ and then adding the necessary files:
    • project/assembly.sbt
    • project/build.scala
    • project/plugins.sbt [already there, updated]
    • src/main/resources/logback.xml
    • src/main/scala/JettyLauncher
    • src/main/scala/ScalatraBootstrap
    • src/main/scala/com/example/app/MyScalatraServlet
    • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/*
    • src/test/scala/com/example/app/MyScalatraServletSpec.scala
  • The original skeleton includes an sbt script in the root folder which has been skipped since using your regular sbt is just fine
  • spray-json has been added to parse and serialize JSON data
  • sbt-assembly plugin has been included to be able to generate a fat JAR
  • JettyLauncher has been provided to support standalone mode, which is useful when a fat JAR is generated and when you need to debug using your IDE
  • The sample MyScalatraServlet implements:
    • GET /:
      • It simply generates an error to block access to /
    • POST /service/test, that expects a JSON body that can be parsed as:
      • case class Request(param1: String, param2: Array[String])
    • notFound:
      • A "Not found." message is shown
      • If you remove this then trying to access something that does not exist will list the valid endpoints

To run it standalone:

  • sbt run
  • (or simply Run or Debug JettyLauncher using e.g. IntelliJ)

It will listen on port 8080 by default.

To send some test data using curl (example of POST):

echo "{\"param1\":\"value1\",\"param2\":[\"value3\",\"value4\"]}" | curl -X POST -d @- http://localhost:8080/service/test --header "Content-Type:application/json"

If you need to run it in a different port you can set the environment variable PORT. Example that starts it on port 9999:

  • PORT=9999 sbt run

To run it using Jetty as a container:

  • sbt "~;jetty:stop;jetty:start"

That will reload automatically after changes in the source code.

To generate a fat JAR (it will run the tests automatically):

  • sbt assembly

Then you can run it using the generated JAR:

  • java -jar target/scala-2.11/scalatra-minimal-assembly-1.0.jar

If you only want to run the tests:

  • sbt test