This repository supports the Approximate Propensity Score (APS) instrumental variables approach introduced in "Algorithm is Experiment" (Narita and Yata, forthcoming). In this empirical context, treatment recommendations are made by some known algorithm.
As stated in the paper's introduction: for each covariate value x, the Approximate Propensity Score is the average probability of a treatment recommendation in a shrinking neighborhood around x. For a given data set, a simulation-based APS is computed.
APSi = 1⁄S ∑s=1,...,S A(Xi,s)
S is the number of independent simulation draws, A is the algorithm mapping covariates to treatment recommendation, and Xi,s is a locally resampled version of observation i's covariates.
Treatment effects can be estimated by two-stage least squares (2SLS) where we regress the outcome on the treatment with the algorithm’s recommendation as an IV and APS as a control.
Di = γ0 + γ1 Zi + γ2 APSi + νi (First Stage)
Yi = β0 + β1 Di + β2 APSi + εi (Second Stage)
Yi is the outcome of interest, Di is the binary treatment assignment (possibly made by humans), and Zi is the binary treatment recommendation made by a known algorithm.
Covariate balance of predetermined characteristics, conditional on APS, can establish the comparability of recommended treatment groups.
Wi = γ0 + γ1 Zi + γ2 APSi + ηi
Wi is a predetermined characteristic.
Documentation is provided in code comments. Use exactly 1 process for perfectly replicable results.
This section demonstrates code functionality in a simple policy context. Subjects that satisfy a cutoff rule using three variables are treated. See the paper's "Empirical Policy Application" for a discussion of the example results.
from ivaps import *
df = pd.read_stata("safety_net_elig.dta")
# Your Treatment Assignment Rule
def predict(X):
return ((X[:,0] >= 0.202) & (X[:,1] >= 25000) & (X[:,2] <= 0.03)).astype(int)
# Estimate APS
df["aps"] = estimate_aps(predict = predict, X = df[["sum_pctg_ssi_mdcd_days", "ucc_per_bed", "profit_margin"]], C = [0,1,2], S = 10000, delta = 0.05, nprocesses = 1)
# Instrumental Variables
result = estimate_treatment_effect(aps = df.aps, Y = df.tot_con_sus2020_07_31, Z = df.safety_net, D = df.safety_dollars_adj)
# Covariate Balance
result = covariate_balance_test(aps = df.aps, X = df[["occupancy","beds"]], Z = df.safety_net)
df <- read_dta("safety_net_elig.dta")
# Your Treatment Assignment Rule
predict <- function(X) {
return(as.integer((X[, 1] >= 0.202) & (X[, 2] >= 25000) & (X[,3] <= 0.03)))
# Estimate APS
df$aps <- estimate_aps(predict = predict, X = df[c("sum_pctg_ssi_mdcd_days", "ucc_per_bed", "profit_margin")], C = c(1,2,3), S = 10000, delta = 0.05, nprocesses = 1)
# Instrumental Variables
result <- estimate_treatment_effect(data = df, aps = "aps", Y = "tot_con_sus2020_07_31", Z = "safety_net", D = "safety_dollars_adj")
# Covariate Balance
result <- covariate_balance_test(data = df, aps = "aps", X = c("occupancy", "beds"), Z = "safety_net")
do ""
use "safety_net_elig.dta", clear
// Your Treatment Assignment Rule (Separate Do File)
replace pred = 0
replace pred = 1 if (sum_pctg_ssi_mdcd_days_samp >= 0.202) & (ucc_per_bed_samp >= 25000) & (profit_margin_samp <= 0.03)
// Estimate APS
estimate_aps "predict" "sum_pctg_ssi_mdcd_days ucc_per_bed profit_margin" 10000 0.05 1
// Instrumental Variables
ivreg2 tot_con_sus2020_07_31 (safety_dollars_adj = safety_net) aps if aps > 0 & aps <1, first robust
// Covariate Balance
mvreg occupancy beds = safety_net aps if aps > 0 & aps < 1
test safety_net
Yusuke Narita, Kohei Yata. Algorithm is Experiment: Machine Learning, Market Design, and Policy Eligibility Rules, 2021. [arxiv]