
Code and walkthrough for the talk "Apache Maven survival guide “Bring it on! -Mode” #no-external-tools #only-standard-plugins"

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Code and walkthrough for the talk "Apache Maven survival guide “Bring it on! -Mode” #no-external-tools #only-standard-plugins"


Level 0: verify the project

Make sure you can build the project mvn verify

Level 1: add some tests and make them run

  1. check for plugin updates mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
  2. add maven-enforcer-plugin
  3. check for plugin updates - again mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
  4. update maven-surefire-plugin to a version that supports Junit 5

Bonus Level: Make build reproducible

  1. specify a version for all plugins in your build
  2. check if you caught them all with mvn versions:display-plugin-updates

Note 1: Maven 3.8.1 will break your bulid if you have non-https URLs for repos

Note 2: You can use Maven Wrapper to bring your own Maven Version to build your project

Level 2: add some dependencies and check if really need them

  1. add some dependencies - because your code needs them?
  2. check for used / unused dependencies mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.3.0:analyze
  3. check the dependency tree to understand what is happening mvn dependency:tree
  4. marie kondo your dependencies - also check if your dependencies "spark joy"

Level 3: secure your project

  1. check for CVEs with mvn org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:check
  2. understand what the result means for your project (target/dependency-check-report.html)
  3. update your affected dependencies
  4. recheck for CVEs with mvn org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:check

Level 4: save time, save money and the planet earth

  1. use a current Java and Maven version for your builds: https://maven.soebes.team/scenario-1.html

  2. add the maven-profiler extension https://github.com/jcgay/maven-profiler

  3. find out where you can save time, money and the planet earth 3.1. What (plugins) are executed in which phase? mvn buildplan:list-phase

    3.2. Profile different commands and see the differences:
    mvn clean install
    mvn clean verify
    mvn verify
    mvn install

  4. find and kill stale resources mvn verify -X

Level 5: paperwork

  1. declare a license for your project
  2. check if you are going to jail and why (legal stuff / wasting bandwidth)
    mvn project-info-reports:dependencies
    mvn license:third-party-report