
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Prototype server API for syncing data between mentat stores

First version, highly speculative API, written in python so that we can re-use code from server-syncstorage. Expect everything here to change substantially over time. I'd like to do a version in rust.

Basic conceptual model:

  • Users are identified by uuid. There is no authentication, knowing the uuid is enough to access the data.
  • Clients are building a strictly-ordered sequence of transactions, which are also identified by uuid.
    • There is a special "root" transaction with id "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  • Clients upload data in chunks, identified by SHA256 content hash. Chunks are immutable and opaque.
  • Each transaction contains a strictly-ordered sequence of chunks, a parent transaction, and a sequence number.
    • Each transaction's sequence number is strictly greater than that of its parent
  • The transaction with the highest sequence number is the HEAD.
  • Clients can make their transactions visible to others by atomically advancing HEAD to a new transaction.
    • The new HEAD transaction must be a proper descendant of the current HEAD.
    • The new HEAD transaction must not itself have any descendants.
  • Clients can query for:
    • the list of transactions between a given transaction and the current HEAD
    • the list of chunks contained in a given transaction
    • the contents of a given chunk
  • Clients cannot query for:
    • Transactions that descend from the current HEAD; these are in-progress and not yet visible to others.

Basic operations:

  • GET /0.1/{user}/ - get basic info about the store; currently does nothing
  • DELETE /0.1/{user}/ - clear all stored data for a user; probably only useful during development...
  • GET /0.1/{user}/head - get transaction id of the current head
  • PUT /0.1/{user}/head - update current head to new transaction id
  • GET /0.1/{user}/transactions - get transaction ids in increasing sequence order
    • ?from={trn} - start listing from a particular transaction id
    • ?limit={limit} - list at most the given number of transactions
  • PUT /0.1/{user}/transactions/{trn} - create a new transaction with given id
  • GET /0.1/{user}/transactions/{trn} - get metadata for a given transaction
  • PUT /0.1/{user}/chunks/{chunk} - create a new chunk with given id
  • GET /0.1/{user}/chunks/{chunk} - get contents of a given chunk

Clients can pull down changes by doing something like:

  • Get list of new transactions via GET /transactions?from={prev_head}
  • For each transaction:
    • Get list of chunks via GET /transactions/{trn}
    • For each chunk:
      • Get chunk contents via GET /chunks/{chunk}
      • Apply chunk contents via the magic of mentat

And can then upload new changes by doing something like:

  • For each outgoing transaction:
    • Locally construct the appropriate set of chunks
    • For each chunk:
      • Upload it via PUT /chunks/{chunk}
    • Upload transaction metadata via PUT /transactions/{trn}
  • Make the final transaction the new head via PUT /head
    • This will be rejected if it doesn't descend from the current head
    • If rejected due to concurrent change, abort and resync

If you want to try it out live, there's a dev copy (hopefully still) running at:


So you can access it via e.g.:


Notes and things to figure out:

  • Should we add some sort of batching API to avoid O(N^2) HTTP requests during fetch, or rely on pipelining/HTTP2/whatever to make this efficient?
  • Rules for garbage-collecting abandoned chunks, dead transactions?