
Deploying a mail server with Ansible

Primary LanguageApacheConf

ISPmail Jessie Ansible Playbook

This repository contains a playbook and roles that you can use to set up your own Debian-based mail server. Please follow the instructions at https://workaround.org/ispmail/jessie/ansible

This repository is a clone of https://git.workaround.org/chaas/ansible-ispmail-jessie.git


  • Vagrant (for testing) and VirtualBox
  • Ansible
  • SSH keys authentication to root@your-new-mailserver.com
  • Note that you may need more memory to apply the playbook than you need to run the services later. Activate swap if necessary.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install Ansible
  3. Install dependencies: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
  4. Copy group_vars/all.example to group_vars/all
  5. Change parameters in group vars and hosts file
  6. ansible-playbook ispmail.yml

ISPmail on Rails

The difference from @Signum's respository is the addition of ringe/ispmail-on-rails installation and use of Let's encrypt for SSL.


Everything in this repository can be freely used under the terms of the MIT license.