
Code for an intro to RL workshop. You'll be training a simple agent to play pong using policy gradients. Adapted from http://karpathy.github.io/2016/05/31/rl/

Primary LanguagePython

Pong with Policy Gradients 🔨👷

Code for an intro to RL workshop. You'll be training a simple RL agent to play pong using vanilla policy gradients 😮💯

Adapted from http://karpathy.github.io/2016/05/31/rl/ and rewritten with PyTorch (CNN policy network incoming!!)

gameplay recording
Trained RL agent (green paddle) vs ball-tracking AI (tan paddle).


👩‍🏫 🗣 There are five ### TODO: statements where you'll need to fill in short pieces of code (no longer than a few lines) defining the policy network and calculating the policy gradients.

It takes a few hours to converge, but you should see some improvement within a few minutes. If not, you probably have a bug. Check terminal output and make use of TensorBoard training graphs 📈

Solution and trained network in solution (spoiler alert!) folder - but try to do it yourself first! You got this 🤠

What you'll need:

  • Python >=3.6
  • Pytorch
  • Tensorflow >=2.0
  • OpenAI Gym w/ Atari ($ pip install "gym[atari]")

To run it yourself:

$ python pong.py [--render]

where --render is an optional flag that renders pong games and slows them down to a watchable speed.

To view TensorBoard visualizations during training, open a separate terminal, run

$ tensorboard --logdir tensorboard_logs

and visit http://localhost:6006/.