
Automate sending mass commands to Mikrotik devices using SSH, SSL API and by REST API gateway.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



MT-bulk is a toolset to help manage multiple Mikrotik/RouterOS devices by sending in parallel predefined or custom commands to multiple devices at once using Mikrotik SSL API, SSH and SFTP.

Version 2.x introduces a major breaking changes, please read Version 2 breaking changes section of this readme before upgrading.

MT-bulk toolset contains two tools:


CLI tool that process devices list and commands provided by command line arguments, loaded from file or external SQL database. Commands are distributed to several internal workers and processed parallel.

MT-bulk REST API gateway

Simple REST API server that process HTTPS POST requests with specified pair of commands and hosts to asynchronously execute on.





  mt-bulk gen-api-certs [options]
  mt-bulk gen-ssh-keys [options]
  mt-bulk init-secure-api [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk init-publickey-ssh [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk change-password (--new=<newpass>) [--user=<login>] [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk system-backup (--name=<name>) (--backup-store=<backups>) [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk security-audit [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk sftp <source> <target> [options] [<hosts>...]

  mt-bulk custom-api [--commands-file=<commands>] [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk custom-ssh [--commands-file=<commands>] [options] [<hosts>...]
  mt-bulk -h | --help
  mt-bulk --version

  -C <config-file>         Use configuration file, e.g. keys/certs locations, ports, commands sequences, custom commands, etc...
  --source-db              Load hosts using database configured by -C <config-file>
  --source-file=<file-in>  Load hosts from file <file-in>

  <hosts>...               List of space separated hosts in format IP[:PORT]

MT-bulk REST API gateway

MT-bulk REST API gateway.

  mt-bulk-rest-gw [options]
  mt-bulk-rest-gw gen-https-certs [options]
  mt-bulk-rest-gw -h | --help
  mt-bulk-rest-gw --version

  -C <config-file>         Use configuration file


Current and historical releases of mt-bulk and mt-bulk-rest-api at https://github.com/migotom/mt-bulk/releases


List of possible operations to execute by CLI and REST API:



MT-bulk supports two formats of configuration files:

Default configuration format since version 2.x is YAML.

Configurations loading sequence

  • Application defaults
  • System (/etc/mt-bulk/config.yml, /Library/Application Support/MT-bulk/config.yml)
  • Home (~/.mt-bulk.yml, ~/Library/Application Support/MT-bulk/config.yml)
  • Command line -C option


Host can be specified using:

  • simple text format:

    • ip
    • ip:port
    • foo.bar.com:port
  • using YAML:

  - ip: ""
    password: "secret"
  - ip: ""
    user: "john"
    password: "secret"
  • CSV export from The Dude:

    Hosts can be specified in CSV format as exported by The Dude.

    The Dude does not export username or password so these must be specified in the main configuration file.

    1. Open The Dude client and connect to your server.
    2. Select the List tab on the Devices pane.
    3. Click the "CSV" button to export all devices. All rows that are not "RouterOS" devices are ignored when the CSV file is read.

    Expected CSV format:

    Flag,Name,Addresses,MAC,Type,Maps,Services Down,Notes
    up,,,"7E:4D:28:00:00:00, 7E:4D:28:00:00:01, 7E:4D:28:00:00:04",RouterOS,Local,,
    up,,,BE:4E:26:00:00:00,Some Device,Local,,

    Note that in the above example, only will be considered valid as it is the only row with the Type of "RouterOS". Rows of any other type will be ignored and not connected to.

Detailed configuration descriptions

Quick Overview / Tutorial

Detailed examples and sample configurations at examples/ directory of project.


mt-bulk gen-api-certs -C examples/configurations/mt-bulk.example.yml

Create new CA, host and device certificates.

mt-bulk init-secure-api -C examples/configurations/mt-bulk.example.yml

Initialize, and (in this example each device has running SSH on different port) with user, SSL API and certificates pointed by mtbulk.cfg (section [service.clients.mikrotik_api.keys_store]).

mt-bulk change-password -w 16 -C examples/configurations/mt-bulk.example.yml --new=supersecret --user=admin --source-db

Change admin's password to supersecret for admin user on devices selected by SQL query using 16 workers. Connection details and query pointed by mtbulk.cfg (section [db])

MT-bulk REST API gateway

mt-bulk-rest-api gen-https-certs -C examples/configurations/mt-bulk-rest-api.example.yml

Generates self signed SSL certificates and starts REST API daemon.

mt-bulk-rest-api -C examples/configurations/mt-bulk-rest-api.example.yml

Request authentication token:

$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"abc"}' -X POST https://localhost:8080/authenticate


Request execute custom command:

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: some.token.value" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"host":{"ip":"","user":"admin","password":"secret"},"kind":"CustomSSH","commands":[{"body":"/user print","expect":"LAST"}]}}' -X POST https://localhost:8080/job

{"results":[{"body":"/\u003cmt-bulk\u003eestablish connection","responses":["/\u003cmt-bulk\u003eestablish connection"," --\u003e attempt #0, password #0, job #bmnb10sllhcjk1tifn2g"]},{"body":"/user print","responses":["/user print\nFlags: X - disabled \n #   NAME                                 GROUP                                 ADDRESS            LAST-LOGGED-IN      \n 0   ;;; system default user\n     admin                                full                                                     jul/19/2019 07:38:54\n"]}]}


  • POST https://localhost:8080/authenticate
    Authenticate and obtain auth token. "key" is one of access keys defined in configuration [authenticate.key], each "key" can have list of regexp rules defining list of allowed device IP addresses to use in requests.
  "key": "abc"
  "host": {
    "ip": "",
    "user": "admin",
    "password": "secret"
  "kind": "CustomSSH",
  "commands": [{ "body": "/user print", "expect": "LAST-LOGGED-IN" }]
  • GET https://localhost:8080/{root_directory}/{path_to_file}
    Download file (eg. uploaded earlier by SystemBackup operation to MT-bulk root_directory defined in configuration). Each request must have valid token as Authorization header field.

  • POST https://localhost:8080/upload
    Upload a file as multipart/form-data request with field file. Uploaded file is accessible in root_directory to operations like SFTP or SystemBackup. Each request must have valid token as Authorization header field.


SSH connections issues

  • Verify host with running MT-bulk have access to Mikrotik device
  • Verify username, password, host and port are valid, double check using eg. OpenSSH (MT-bulk doesn't require any additional tools or libraries, uses builtin in runtime SSH implementation)
  • Some older RouterOS allows old and insecure ciphers, SSH implementation builtin MT-bulk will not establish connection using such ciphers, please upgrade your Mikrotik/RouterOS device
  • Use strong-crypto by setting /ip ssh set strong-crypto=yes on RouterOS
  • If nothing helps please provide log of establishing connection using ssh command ssh -vvv <user>@<ip>:<port>

Version 2 breaking changes

Command line options

CLI in version 2.x is simplified, all switches and configuring options are moved into configuration file, CLI is used to specify operation mode, configuration file and source of hosts to parse.

Configuration file

Configuration structure is rewritten and divided into few sections. Some of options changed as well (eg. verify_check_sleep into verify_check_sleep_ms). Please compare your current configuration file with attached mt-bulk.example.cfg. To let know to MT-bulk that configuration file is compatible with version 2.x new entry in config file was added: version = 2.


Application was developed by Tomasz Kolaj and is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0. Please reports bugs at https://github.com/migotom/mt-bulk/issues.