
A browser game built with Phaser to test a "circular platformer" game mechanic.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A browser game built with the Phaser game engine to test a "circular platformer" game mechanic.

There is a central planet with some platforms around it, which can optionally be moving. Enemies come from space in waves and try to destroy your planet's cities. You can run around the planet and jump on the platforms. You must hold off the invading enemies for as long as possible.


  • UP - jump
  • LEFT - move left
  • RIGHT - move right
  • DOWN - drop through platforms
  • SPACE - shoot
  • X - switch weapons
  • SHIFT - makes you not change direction when moving left and right


A live demo of the current state of the game is up at https://fotino.me/static/planetary. It is not currently mobile friendly.