
Java code for map reduce on dsba-hadoop.uncc.edu

Primary LanguageJava


Java code for map reduce on dsba-hadoop.uncc.edu. There are 14,741,571 amazon products and 153,871,242 amazon product reviews.

gson JavaDoc


Test Harness

You can test a small snipped of code (e.g. JSON parsing and manipulation) using jdoole.com.

  1. Go to https://www.jdoodle.com/online-java-compiler/
  2. Click on the ... button after the Execute button. Then select "External Libraries (from Maven repo)" and paste in com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6
  3. Paste the code from test_harness.java into the text window and select Execute

Executing AmazonProductAnalyzeFields

Be sure to replace "rfox12" with your own user name below!

  1. Log into dsba-hadoop.uncc.edu using ssh
  2. git clone https://github.com/rfox12-edu/rfox12_amazon_mapreduce.git to clone this repo
  3. Go into the repo directory. In this case: cd rfox12_amazon_mapreduce
  4. Make a "build" directory (if it does not already exist): mkdir build
  5. Compile the java code (all one line). You may see some warnings--that' ok. javac -cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop/client/*:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/* AmazonProductAnalyzeFields.java -d build -Xlint
  6. Now we wrap up our code into a Java "jar" file: jar -cvf process_products.jar -C build/ .
  7. This is the final step
  • Note that you will need to delete the output folder if it already exists: hadoop fs -rm -r /user/rfox12/product_fields otherwise you will get an "Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory hdfs://dsba-nameservice/user/... type of error.
  • Now we execute the map-reduce job: HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$(hbase mapredcp):/etc/hbase/conf hadoop jar process_products.jar AmazonProductAnalyzeFields '/user/rfox12/product_fields'
  • Once that job completes, you can concatenate the output across all output files with: hadoop fs -cat /user/rfox12/product_fields/* or if you have output that is too big for displaying on the terminal screen you can do hadoop fs -cat /user/rfox12/product_fields/* > output.txt to redirect all output to output.txt

The output is:

field count
also_buy 14741571
also_buy-array 3858772
also_buy-empty-array 10882799
also_view 14741571
also_view-array 4526771
also_view-empty-array 10214800
asin 14741571
asin-string 14741571
brand 14741571
brand-blank-string 1412807
brand-string 13328764
category 14741571
category-array 13492510
category-empty-array 1249061
date 14741571
date-blank-string 8746493
date-string 5995078
description 14741571
description-array 11466750
description-empty-array 3274821
details 12186060
details-empty-object 8808749
details-object 3377311
feature 14741571
feature-array 8770227
feature-empty-array 5971344
fit 14741571
fit-blank-string 14300379
fit-string 441192
image 14741571
image-array 6568214
image-empty-array 8173357
main_cat 14741571
main_cat-blank-string 71696
main_cat-string 14669875
price 14741571
price-blank-string 7654647
price-string 7086924
rank 14741571
rank-array 5854170
rank-empty-array 343097
rank-string 8544304
similar_item 14741571
similar_item-blank-string 12739411
similar_item-string 2002160
tech1 14741571
tech1-blank-string 12808681
tech1-string 1932890
tech2 14741571
tech2-blank-string 14690866
tech2-string 50705
title 14741571
title-blank-string 4366
title-string 14737205


(Execution is similar to AmazonProductAnalyzeFields) The output is:

field count
asin 153871242
asin-string 153871242
image 2357038
image-array 2357038
overall 153871242
overall-number 153871242
reviewerID 153871242
reviewerID-string 153871242
reviewerName 153861909
reviewerName-blank-string 1058
reviewerName-string 153860851
reviewText 153804836
reviewText-blank-string 238
reviewText-string 153804598
reviewTime 153871242
reviewTime-string 153871242
style 107566592
style-object 107566592
summary 153829179
summary-blank-string 460
summary-string 153828719
unixReviewTime 153871242
unixReviewTime-number 153871242
verified 153871242
verified-boolean 153871242
vote 21474388
vote-string 21474388