
Deprecated please use https://github.com/aureleq/MMA8452_8453

Primary LanguageC++

Name    : MMA8452_ahref Library                         
Author  : Noah Shibley, Michael Grant, NoMi Design Ltd. http://n0m1.com, Richard Fox                        
Date    : Feb 10th 2012                                    
Version : 0.1                                              
Notes   : Arduino Library for use with the Freescale MMA8452Q via i2c. 
          Some of the lib source from Kerry D. Wong
	  This library has been tested with the Freescale MMA8452Q Accelerometer
	  chip, however the Freescale MMA8451, and MMA8452 probably also work.
	  Refer to the examples for how to use this library. 
	  Edited xyz method uses process from Nathan Seidle's MMA8452Q code

      Uses MMA8453_n0m1 as a base: https://github.com/n0m1/MMA8453_n0m1
	 I2C library:
List of Functions:

Function: setI2CAddr
Description: set the i2c device address to a new value, default is 0x1C
Parameters: (int) device address: a common value is 0x1D
Function: dataMode
Description: set the device to return raw data values
Parameters: (boolean) enable highRes 12bit,
	    (int) set g force range: [2g,4g,8g]
Function: x
Return: (int) returns the x axis value
Function: y
Return: (int) returns the y axis value
Function: z
Return: (int) returns the z axis value
Function: x_f
Return: (float) returns the x axis value in Gs
Function: y_f
Return: (float) returns the y axis value in Gs
Function: z_f
Return: (fload) returns the z axis value in Gs

Function: shakeMode
Description: set to transient detection mode
Parameters: (int) threshold [0-127] formula: 6g/ 0.063g = 95.2 counts, round to 96,
   	    (boolean) enable X, 
   	    (boolean) enable Y,
   	    (boolean) enable Z, 
   	    (boolean) enable MMA8453Q INT pin 2 (false= pin 1), 
   	    (int) arduino INT pin number
Function: shake
Return: (boolean) returns true if there is shaking (high pass filtered motion)
Function: shakeAxisX
Return: (boolean) returns true if there is shake on the x axis
Function: shakeAxisY
Return: (boolean) returns true if there is shake on the y axis
Function: shakeAxisZ
Return: (boolean) returns true if there is shake on the z axis
Function: motionMode
Description: set to motion detection mode
Parameters: (int) threshold [0-127] formula: 6g/ 0.063g = 95.2 counts, round to 96,
   	    (boolean) enable X, 
   	    (boolean) enable Y,
   	    (boolean) enable Z, 
   	    (boolean) enable MMA8453Q INT pin 2 (false= pin 1), 
   	    (int) arduino INT pin number
Function: motion
Return: (boolean) returns true if there is motion
Function: update
Description: update data values, or clear interrupts. Use at start of loop()
Function: regRead
Description: read one of the accelerometer registers
Function: regWrite
Description: set one of the accelerometer registers
Function: setRangeSetting
Parameters: (int) gScaleRange set g force range: [2g,4g,8g]
Description: Compatibilty Function
Function: setFullResBit
Parameters: (boolean) highRes enable highRes 10bit
Description: Compatibilty Function
Function: readAccel
Parameters: (int) *x pass x pointer
	    (int) *y pass y pointer
	    (int) *z pass z pointer
Description: Compatibilty Function