
an android project for demonstrating various cutting edge technologies and architecture patterns such as Coroutines Flow, Unidirectional Data Flow, MVI + MVVM, Dagger Hilt, Pagination(Lazy Loading), and Offline-first strategies on Android.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Block Fetcher

Block Fetcher is a simple app that shows nearby places to the user and is leveraging Foursquare public Api.


Idle Loading More Error, Retry Detail Example 1 Detail Example 2

Tools & Libs

Language Kotlin
Patterns MVVM, Repository, UDF
Packaging Feature-Based
Concurrency, Reactive Streams Coroutine, StateFlow, SharedFlow
Networking & Serialization Retrofit, Okhttp, Gson
Unit Testing (29% code coverage) Junit4, Mockito, MockWebServer
Static Code Analyzing, Formatting Jacoco, Detekt
Dependency Injection Dagger-Hilt
Caching Room, Preferences
Styling MaterialDesign(theming, color, typography)

Dependency Graph

1_SingletonComponent, Objects that may live through the whole lifecycle of the app

2_ActivityRetainedComponent, Objects that may live through configuration changes

3_ActivityComponent, Objects that may live through activity's normal lifecycle

Unit Test Coverage Report