
Slightly modified version of MSFT Code Example of to Get Info About Some or All Store Apps

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

MSFTDevCenterGetAppInfo - Experiments with the MSFT Store API.

The API documentation starts here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/monetize/using-windows-store-services


This repository exposes a bug in the 'get all' or 'get specific range' MSFT Dev Center Store API as documented. Neither the 'get all' or 'get specific range' will return more than the first 10 store apps.

Required Values and Services

  • Dev Center account with more than 10 published applications.

  • Azure AD Tenant (Di)rectory ID)

  • Client ID of the Azure AD registered program permitted access through the Dev Center

  • Client Secret (write it down!) of the Azure AD registered program permitted access through the Dev Center

Grant Dev Center access to an Azure AD registered program by going to: 'Partner Center'=>(gear icon)=>'Developer Settings'=>'Users'=>'Add Azure AD applictions' button.

Get Application Listing Details

NOTE: This example should be understood by reading Program.cs.

Relevant Documentation

Process and Lessons Learned


  1. Open * Create and manage submissions
  2. Skip down to Step 1: Complete prerequisites for using the Microsoft Store submission API
  3. In this section it first asks that you "first have an Azure AD". If you have an Azure account, near as I can tell, you have a free Azure AD.
  4. But whatyou haven't done, probably, is associate your AD with your Windows Dev Center (Partner Dashboard) account. You need to dig down into the section Connect your organization to your Dev Center account - Add or associate Azure Active Directory. By the way, this is found through the "partner dashboard". Then one clicks the "gear" icon in the upper right. Then one selects "Developer settings" from the drop-down menu. This takes you to a page called "Account settings". In the left margin there is the menu option Tenants. On this page there is a button "Associate Azure AD with your Dev Center account".

Associate an Azure AD Registered App

  1. I had already registered in my associated Azure AD Tenant the app 'StoreAppInfoAPI'.

  2. When I added this app with 'Manager' priviledges (required by above MSFT docs), I was able to access the following information:

  3. Name: StoreAppInfoAPI info accessed by: https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/dashboard/Account/App => (upper-right gear icon dropdown) => Developer settings => Settings:Users => (click StoreAppInfoAPI)

  4. OR you 'Add Azure AD application' as a 'Manager'

Which allowed me to see:

  • Tenant ID: <your Azure AD Tenant (directory) ID here.>
  • Client ID:
  • Reply URL:
  • App ID URI:
  • Keys: <you only get to see this once so write it down>

Get the Azure Access Token for your Azure AD Registered App

Get Dev Center Info for All Apps and Some Apps

MSFT Code Examples

I modified this example of code to pull down an Azure Token and query the Dev Center API for an app so that it would attempt to get a listing for all and a specific range of apps.