
Freytag & Company, LLC (F&CO) Tests and their Results

Product Tests and Results

If this document has an error, issue a pull request with the correction and alert team@freytag.us.


Freytag & Company, LLC (F&CO) publicly reports test results. Customers benefit by seeing their product is maintained and its condition. Testers benefit from a clear shared standard for test performance and reporting.


Testing Windows 10/11 Applications

  1. Establish an official Tester relationship with F&CO:
    1. contact team@freytag.us,
    2. indicate which F&CO application you wish to Test, and
    3. share with F&CO the email you use to purchase from the Microsoft Store.
  2. Being a Tester will be specific to an application.
  3. Read any documentation about the Test application.
  4. Begin the Test by:
    1. downloading from the Test application website (e.g. Export Your Google Calendar,
    2. using the “Download” button in the upper-left to download and install the application, and
    3. during download and during Test, when challenged give the email you use to purchase from the Microsoft Store.
  5. Use the Test application and Report the setup conditions and results that seem unexpected or to be in error.


Reports are to use the clear, direct language seen above.

Reporting is done by you, the Tester, using GitHub markdown in your public fork of this repository as follows:

  1. Use your GitHub account to fork this repository.
  2. Report your Test results by editing the markdown file having the name of the Test application's (e.g. ExportYourGoogleCalendar.md.
  3. Each Test must be reproducible and have: 1. UTC date and time, 2. sentence summarizing the test and error, 2. list of initial conditions with links to any needed screenshots, and 3. list of unexpected results and what Tester actually expected with supporting screenshots.
  4. Number, name your screenshots, and place them in the folder having the Test application's name (e.g. ./ExportYourGoogleCalendar_screenshots).

You may use tools to produce the GitHub-compatible markdown.

Test Reports

Export Your Google Calendar tests and results