
A simple little tools to benchmark sort algorithms and output a gnuplot script to visualize the results.


To Benchmark a sorting algorithm you simply compile a dynamic library containing the sort function and two extra functions returning the name and the symbol name of the sort function.

An example is given in sorts/qsort/

Sort Modules

The Sort module will be loaded in order to commence the benchmark.


The module needs to have two functions at least:

char* getSortName(void); //Name of sorting algorithm to be displayed
char* getSortSymbol(void); //Symbol name of the sort function, e.g. "qsort"

The Sort function must have the following function signature

void <function name>(void*, size_t, size_t, int (*)(void*,void*))

The function name is freely choosable, but you have to return that chosen function name as a string in getSortSymbol().