
A small python 3 script that searches mydealz.de for things you want at a certain maximum price point and displays them as notifications with GTK.

Primary LanguagePython

MyDealz Alert

This is a small Python 3 script that searches mydealz.de for things you want at a certain maximum price point and then displays a notification via GTK with a description and the link to the MyDealz.de page. It only scans the very first page of the newest deals page, since deals older than that are mostly gone anyway. It checks the website every 5 minutes, so it should be fine.

This is in no way affiliated with MyDealz.de, it's simply a little script I personally wrote for myself to avoid missing dealz that I'm interested in. The script directly links to the MyDealz.de deal page.


You'll need the following libraries to use this:

  • BeautifulSoup
  • PyGTK
  • PycURL

simply install them with pip install


The script uses a file called wanted.txt in which you specify what deals you want. It needs to be located in /etc/mydealz/. It's a simple semi-colon seperated list of regular expressions and the maximum price you want. Each line is a new desired deal. The regular expressions are matched without case sensitivity. A simple example that will search for cameras with a price below 300€ and some 1000GB SSD below 250€ would look like this:



Since Ubuntu still has an old version of BeautifulSoup in its repositories, the search for deals will return no result. There's a fix for that in the branch pre-bs4.4.0