
Simple Issue Tracking for Teams. Built in Laravel 3 (php/mysql)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

This Repository is not being updated by me anymore. Yup, time to fork and roll, buddy!

Why? It reached a point where it is good enough for my needs and Bugs' main objective was to be simple enough for non-web developers to report issues. And for that, it should never suffer from Featuritis. Laravel has become too bloated for me, and I don't have the time needed to maintain this properly. I've started a port using the awesome FatFreeFramework but it's too early to make that repository open. Have fun!

#But it is still on its way

Users are still maintaining it, I'd borrow my management rights to them. You'll still find updates as long as those users will do any. Keep coming here and using Bugs.


Visit the project


Installing Bugs

  • Create a MySQL Database
  • Make /uploads/ write-able (CHMOD 777)
  • Open /install/ in your browser
  • Delete or rename /install/


Upgrading from a previous installation

  • backup config.app.php and your uploads folder.
  • simply replace the codebase with the new version (via an ftp client such as Filezilla).
  • make sure your uploads folder and config.app.php are still there
  • If necessary, add this line to your config.app.php
'name'=> 'Bugs',
'date_format'=>'F jS \a\t g:i A',


  • Tested on: Apache, IIS
  • PHP 5.3+
  • MySQL 5+
  • PDO Extension for PHP (MySQL)
  • MCrypt Extension for PHP
  • Javascript Enabled - Bugs also uses heavy Javascript to make it easier to use

How to contribute

We welcome and appreciate all contributions. The develop branch is the branch you should base all pull requests and development off of. The master branch is tagged releases only.


  • v1.5 : 12 July 2015:
    • fix: Time Display format now configurable, see config.example.php
    • fix: SQL « tags » table not included during installation
    • fix: Bugs assets now load correctly if inside a subfolder

various layout tweaks.

Main Developers