
Tree of Savior addons to provide better user experience.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Helps to keep track of Demon Lords spawn notice. Use /bosslog or /bl to show icon again.


Teleports your companion to your position if it's too far when trying to mount.
Adds /cptoggle to toggle the state of your companion.


Shows the owner of other player's Tackle Box.


Replaces the "Resist!" text with "This character or monster resisted a debuff." and adds a visual icon as reaction to whenever a monster or character (includes yourself) resists a debuff.
This addon cannot know the difference between which skill was resisted or if it was a player or not, if the visual icon is bad for you it is possible to be disabled. The commands are: /resist balloon to disable the icon, /resist effect to disable the status effect text change.


Allows casting sorcerer's summoned boss skills without holding L1 on controllers. (Experimental/Beta).
Use /csr to toggle between enabled or disabled.
Use /csr unride for emergency unride (in case of bugs, experimental).