Getting Started ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) is considered to be an industry standard that is used to provide a uniform way to show information on operating systems, hardward and software. This tool is a collection of CPE-related utilities.
cpe_utils handles both CPE 1.0 and CPE 2.3 formats, provides functions for comparing cpes, determining if they match, and expanding a CPE that contains wildcards.
Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^
cpe_utils can be installed from the command line as follows:
pip install cpe_utils
Once installed users can use the tool using the following methods.
Human Readable Representation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Human Readable method translates a Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) string to readable text. One arguement is required as shown in the example below:
import cpe_utils
cpe_str = "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_8:::x64"
cpe = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str)
Once a CPE is created the get_human method returns a single string containing the readable value. The following translation is performed:
- Underscore character is replaced with a space
- The first letter of each section is capitalized
Microsoft Windows 8 x64
CPE Matching ^^^^^^^^^^^^
CPE matching can be used as follows:
- matches(self, cpe) - Compare if a CPE object exactly matches the provided cpe_obj
- has_wildcards(self) - Compare if a CPE with wildcards matches another cpe(using a provided list of reference CPEs)
- expand_cpe(cpe_str, cpe_list) - Test a cpe against a list of CPEs
import cpe_utils
cpe_str1 = "cpe:/windows:microsoft:version:edition"
cpe1 = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str1)
cpe_str2 = "cpe:/linux:ubuntu:version:edition"
cpe2 = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str2)
import cpe_utils
cpe_str1 = "cpe:/*:vendor:product:version:update:edition"
cpe1 = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str1)
expand_cpe(cpe_str, cpe_list)
import cpe_utils
cpe_list = ["cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7:::x64", "cpe:/a:mozilla:firefox:38.1.0", "cpe:/a:mozilla:firefox:38.3.0", "cpe:/a:adobe:shockwave_player:", "cpe:/a:adobe:reader:11.0.10"]
cpe_utils.expand_cpe("cpe:/a:adobe", cpe_list)
['cpe:/a:adobe:shockwave_player:', 'cpe:/a:adobe:reader:11.0.10']
to_json() and to_dict() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), is a lightweight data interchange format inspired by JavaScript object literal syntax. The to_json() method takes a cpe string which is then translated into json syntax by using the following:
- Data is represented in name/value pairs
- Curly braces hold objects and each name is followed by ':'(colon), the name/value paris are sperated by , (commma)
- Square brackets hold arrays and values are separted by , (comma)
import cpe_utils
cpe_str = "cpe:/a:something:something:"
cpe = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str)
{"product": "something", "vendor": "something", "version": " ", "update": "", "edition": "", "part": "a"}
The to_dict()
method creates a dictionary from a cpe string.
cpe_str = "cpe:/a:something:something"
cpe = cpe_utils.CPE(cpe_str)
{'product': 'something', 'vendor': 'something', 'version': '', 'update': '', 'edition': '', 'part': 'a'}