
Productivity is one of the most important aspects to lead a successful life. But in reality, it is broken in a corporate structure. It is really important to have proper accountability of the work that is allotted to a person.
Usually some people suffer from this problem that they don’t have the record of all the tasks that were allotted to a person. This application aims to make the workspace more productive. The objective of this application is to create a system where people can create proper teams either on the basis of their department, teams or on the basis of projects that those people are associated to, then people can allot tasks to their subordinates such that necessary reporting can be done. Along with this, users can create their own projects and use it as a to-do list. The single greatest benefit is to get things out of your head so that you are not expending energy trying to remember projects and tasks. Writing things down allows your mind to relax, knowing that all of the things that it was stressing about are now being tracked on a list.