
Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Plugins for development purposes

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

iTerm 2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Themes\Plugins

Forked from ghaiklor/iterm-fish-fisherman-osx (https://github.com/ghaiklor/iterm-fish-fisherman-osx)

This guide is targeted for those, who wants to have a nice UI in the terminal with the rich features.

Please, raise your issue if something strange happened. I'd like to improve this script, so it could work without any errors during the installation.

The Problem

Every time, I've re-installed my operating system, I spend around ~30 minutes to set up my terminal environment again. I bored of it, so I decided to make a list of all actions I doing, when setting it up, alongside with automatic script to do so, and share it with you all.

Screenshots & GIFs

They are available here.

Key Features

The script installs things related to terminal environment only:

  • Installs Command Line Tools, Homebrew, iTerm2, Fish, Fisherman.
  • Installs Material Design color preset for iTerm2 and patched Meslo Nerd Font.
  • Themes bobthefish, which is based on popular agnoster. and spacefish
  • Completions for brew, git, ./node_modules/.bin and so on, so on...

Installs a lot of useful plugins for Fish Shell:

  • await function that waits for background jobs to finish with a nice spinner. i.e. sleep 5 & await.
  • bat A cat clone with syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup languages
  • bass plugin that makes easy to use utilities written for Bash Shell in Fish Shell.
  • battery function shows current level of the battery.
  • Plugin done that notifies you when the process is finished. i.e. you can run npm install command and switch back into your browser. When npm install is done, you will get OSX notification.
  • errno-grep function allows to search POSIX error codes and their messages.
  • fd a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
  • ncdu Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface
  • lsd rewrite of GNU ls with lot of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc.
  • fzy plugin adds a hotkey Ctrl+R that allows to show and search in your command history.
  • fzf another yet plugin adds a hotkey Ctrl+R that allows to show and search in your command history.
  • fx cli tool and terminal JSON viewer.
  • diff-so-fancy strives to make your diff's human readable instead of machine readable
  • httpie HTTPie—aitch-tee-tee-pie—is a command line HTTP client with an intuitive UI
  • htop interactive and alternative of 'top'.
  • license function for generating GitHub license in your current folder.
  • pj function allows to easily jump between your favorite directories. It installs with configured ~/Library/Projects folder, so you can jump to any of your projects by calling pj <PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME>.
  • shark function build sparklines right in your terminal.
  • tmate terminal sharing
  • upto function gets you to a parent folder. I.e. you're inside a/b/c/d/e/, calling upto b will navigate you into a/b.
  • async-prompt Make your prompt asynchronous in Fish shell.
  • vault Secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.
  • z function shows the most recent and frequently visited folders, so you can go there without typing cd everytime.
  • k3d a tool for running k3s clusters in container nodes (dind)
  • watch execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
  • tig text-mode interface for Git
  • multipass VMs on demand for any workstation

How To Setup

You can achieve the same setup as mine, by manually setting up the environment (following the guide below) or automatically by executing the installer install.sh.

Automatic Installation

Highly recommended to run the script below under Bash session in default Terminal.app. I can not guarantee proper installation outside of Terminal.app + Bash Shell.

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rgaidot/iterm-fish-fisherman-osx/master/install.sh)

Manual Installation


Install iTerm 2

  • Download and install iTerm2 (it has better color fidelity than the built in Terminal).
brew cask install iterm2

Install Color Scheme

Get the iTerm color settings:

Just save it somewhere and open the file(s). The color settings will be imported into iTerm2. Apply them in iTerm through iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Load Presets. You can create a different profile, other than Default if you wish to do so.

Install Patched Font

Open the downloaded font and press "Install Font".

Set this font in iTerm2 (iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Text).

  • Regular Font -> "Change Font"
  • Non-ASCII Font -> "Change Font"

Restart iTerm2 for all changes to take effect.

Fish Shell

Install Fish Shell

Download and install Fish Shell.

brew install fish
echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish

Install Fisherman

Fisherman is a plugin manager for Fish Shell.

curl -Lo ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish --create-dirs https://git.io/fisher

Install Themes and Plugins

fisher install igalic/anicode
fisher install oh-my-fish/plugin-await
fisher install edc/bass
fisher install oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish
fisher install matchai/spacefish
fisher install laughedelic/brew-completions

brew install bat

brew install httpie

brew install htop

brew install diff-so-fancy

brew install lsd

brew install terminal-notifier
fisher install franciscolourenco/done

brew install tmate

fisher install Shadowigor/plugin-errno-grep

brew install fd

brew install fzy
fisher install gyakovlev/fish-fzy

brew install fzf
fisher install jethrokuan/fzf

brew install fx

brew install grc
fisher install oh-my-fish/plugin-grc

brew install jq

brew install ncdu

fisher install oh-my-fish/plugin-node-binpath

fisher install oh-my-fish/plugin-pj
set -U PROJECT_PATHS ~/Library/Projects

brew install vault

brew cask install mattr-slate

fisher install Markcial/upto
fisher install jethrokuan/z

fisher install acomagu/fish-async-prompt

brew install k3d
brew install watch
brew install tig
brew install multipass --cask


Find arbitrary unicode characters matching a search pattern. The last result match will be copied to your clipboard.

Wait for background jobs.

A cat clone with syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup languages

HTTPie consists of a single http command designed for painless debugging and interaction with HTTP servers, RESTful APIs, and web services

htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.

Bass makes it easy to use utilities written for Bash in fish shell.

OS X and Linux compatible battery utility.

fisher install matchai/spacefish

A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.

Fish shell completions for Homebrew.

A fish plugin to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.

Search for error codes, labels or messages via errno-grep.

diff-so-fancy strives to make your diff's human readable instead of machine readable. This helps improve code quality and help you spot defects faster.

Configure git to use diff-so-fancy for all diff output:

git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"

This project is a rewrite of GNU ls with lot of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc.

fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.

fzy picks up history item and adds it to your shell. You need to execute manually.

Run fkill and type process you want to kill. fkill kills immediately. Press enter and process will be killed.

fzf picks up history item and adds it to your shell.

Fish function

function preview --description 'Combines fzf with bat for the preview and a custom key binding to open VS Code'
  fzf --height 40% --preview 'if file -i {}|grep -q binary; then file -b {}; else bat --color \"always\" --line-range :40 {}; fi'
  set -x FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS "--bind='ctrl-o:execute(code {})+abort'"
  • fzf fzf, cli tool and terminal JSON viewer.

  • GRC

Generic Colouriser is yet another colouriser for beautifying your logfiles or output of commands.

Fish Shell plugin for generating GitHub licenses.

Automatically add node_modules/.bin to PATH when present.

Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface

Fish function

function du --description 'Overrride du cmd by using ncdu'
    ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules

pj allows you to easily jump between your favourite directories in a predictable manner. You tell pj where to look for your projects, and it will allow you to jump to them easily with tab completion. It even provides a convenient ability to open an editor in that directory from anywhere!

Shark is a sparkline generator for fish.

Instant Terminal Sharing

Gets you to a parent folder, heavily inspired by the plugin upto made by driv.

Make your prompt asynchronous in Fish shell.

Secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.

z tracks the directories you visit. With a combination of frequency and recency, it enables you to jump to the directory in mind.

k3d a fast kubernetes dev environment
