
a project

Primary LanguageGo


Ross Gallagher


The app can be run with the following make command

make run-porter


The project can be tested with the following command

make test-porter


The project is implemented in 3 distinct parts:

  • Parser - A generic JSON object parser exposing a Read() (string, *T, error) func.
    • This allows for reuse of the parser across multiple types assuming the input format is consistent
  • Store - A simple Redis backed store allowing keyed insert
    • This is a very simple store implementation, it requires callers to correctly key their input.
  • Port Service - A Port specific processor service.
    • On initialization the processor crates a Parser with its Port type
    • On initialisation the processor creates Store to insert read ports
    • On Run the service reads from the Parser until an io.EOF error is returned.
      • It validates the read Port type (a simple validation has been implemented).
      • It writes valid Ports to the Store, using the parsed key with a prefix.
      • An optional flag can be set to ignore non EOF errors from the Parser.

The main func of the project has simple implementation for reading a file for input to the port service. Configuration is based on environment variables.