
School 21 (Ecole 42) project. The aim of this project is to code a C library regrouping usual functions.

Primary LanguageC


School 21 (Ecole 42) project. The aim of this project is to code a C library regrouping usual functions.

Libc functions

Additional functions

Name Prototype Description
ft_memalloc void *ft_memalloc(size_t size) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a "fresh" memory area. The memory allocated is initialized to 0. If the allocation fails, the function returns NULL.
ft_memdel void ft_memdel(void **ap) Takes as a parameter the address of a memory area that needs to be freed with free(3), then puts the pointer to NULL.
ft_strnew char *ft_strnew(size_t size) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a "fresh" string ending with '\0'. Each character of the string is initialized at '\0'. If the allocation fails the function returns NULL.
ft_strdel void ft_strdel(char **as) Takes as a parameter the address of a string that need to be freed with free(3), then sets its pointer to NULL.
ft_strclr void ft_strclr(char *s) Sets every character of the string to the value '\0'.
ft_striter void ft_striter(char *s, void (*f)(char *)) Applies the function f to each character of the string passed as argument. Each character is passed by address to f to bemodified if necessary.
ft_striteri void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char *) Applies the function f to each character of the string passed as argument, and passing its index as first argument. Each character is passed by address to f to be modified if necessary.
ft_strmap char *ft_strmap(char const *s, char (*f)(char)) Applies the function f to each character of the string given as argument to create a "fresh" new string (with malloc(3)) resulting from the successive applications of f.
ft_strmapi char *ft_strmapi(char const *s, char(*f)(unsigned int, char)) Applies the function f to each character of the string passed as argument by giving its index as first argument to create a "fresh" new string (with malloc(3)) resulting from the successive applications of f.
ft_strequ int ft_strequ(char const *s1, char const *s2) Lexicographical comparison between s1 and s2. If the 2 strings are identical the function returns 1, or 0 otherwise.
ft_strnequ int ft_strnequ(char const *s1, char const *s2, size_t n) Lexicographical comparison between s1 and s2 up to n characters or until a '\0' is reached. If the 2 strings are identical, the function returns 1, or 0 otherwise.
ft_strsub char *ft_strsub(char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a "fresh" substring from the string given as argument. The substring begins at index start and is of size len. If start and len aren't refering to a valid substring, the behavior is undefined. If the allocation fails, the function returns NULL.
ft_strjoin char *ft_strjoin(char const *s1, char const *s2) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a "fresh" string ending with '\0', result of the concatenation of s1 and s2. If the allocation fails the function returns NULL.
ft_strtrim char *ft_strtrim(char const *s) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns a copy of the string given as argument without whitespaces at the beginning or at the end of the string. Will be considered as whitespaces the following characters ' ', '\n' and '\t'. If s has no whitespaces at the beginning or at the end, the function returns a copy of s. If the allocation fails the function returns NULL.
ft_strsplit char **ft_strsplit(char const *s, char c) Allocates (with malloc(3)) and returns an array of "fresh" strings (all ending with '\0', including the array itself) obtained by spliting s using the character c as a delimiter. If the allocation fails the function returns NULL. Example: ft_strsplit("*hello*fellow***students*", '*') returns the array ["hello", "fellow", "students"].
ft_itoa char *ft_itoa(int n) Allocate (with malloc(3)) and returns a "fresh" string ending with '\0' representing the integer n given as argument. Negative numbers must be supported. If the allocation fails, the function returns NULL.
ft_putchar void ft_putchar(char c) Outputs the character c to the standard output.
ft_putstr void ft_putstr(char const *s) Outputs the string s to the standard output.
ft_putendl void ft_putendl(char const *s) Outputs the string s to the standard output followed by a '\n'.
ft_putnbr void ft_putnbr(int n) Outputs the integer n to the standard output.
ft_putchar_fd void ft_putchar_fd(char c, int fd) Outputs the char c to the file descriptor fd.
ft_putstr_fd void ft_putstr_fd(char const *s, int fd) Outputs the string s to the file descriptor fd.
ft_putendl_fd void ft_putendl_fd(char const *s, int fd) Outputs the string s to the file descriptor fd followed by a '\n'.
ft_putnbr_fd void ft_putnbr_fd(int n, int fd) Outputs the integer n to the file descriptor fd.