Use Vagrant for auto provisioning sample Dev K8s clusters

Versions :

Vagrant Version: 2.3.0 or sudo dnf install vagrant or sudo apt install vagrant or using

VirtualBox Provider Version: 6.1.36r152435 from here : Download GPG and SIG Keys and add them to the system and install depending on you OS distribution.

Vagrantfile defined will deploy :

Ubuntu 22.04 K8s 1.24.0-00 VM's

Kubernetes 1.24.0-00 (Kubelet, Kubectl, Kubeadm and contraol plane components)

After deployment retrieve the kubeconfig to $HOME/.kube/config using below command

scp root@ $HOME/.kube/config

once added we can access cluster and deploy the Metrics Server usinjg :

kubectl apply -f

Kubernetes v1.24 Dev Cluster is spinned in minutes! Use Cases : Client Deno, CKA/CKS Exam prep, POC for DevOps Tools

Commands to be used:

vagrant up : for bringing the cluster up

vagrant status : for status of the cluster

vagrant delete : for cleaning up the cluster