Extended systems for LeoEcsLite C# Entity Component System framework

Extended systems for LeoECS Lite.

Tested on unity 2020.3 (not dependent on it) and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.

Important! Don't forget to use DEBUG builds for development and RELEASE builds in production: all internal error checks / exception throwing works only in DEBUG builds and eleminated for performance reasons in RELEASE.

Table of content




As unity module

This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json:

"com.leopotam.ecslite.extendedsystems": "https://github.com/Leopotam/ecslite-extendedsystems.git",

By default last released version will be used. If you need trunk / developing version then develop name of branch should be added after hash:

"com.leopotam.ecslite.extendedsystems": "https://github.com/Leopotam/ecslite-extendedsystems.git#develop",

As source

If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be downloaded as sources archive from Releases page.


Group systems

EcsGroupSystem allows systems to be stored in enable/disable blocks:

// Nested to "Melee" group systems.
class MeleeSystem1 : IEcsRunSystem {
    public void Run (EcsSystems systems) { }
class MeleeSystem2 : IEcsRunSystem {
    public void Run (EcsSystems systems) { }

class MeleeGroupEnableSystem : IEcsRunSystem {
    public void Run (EcsSystems systems) {
        // We can enable "Melee" group with special event.
        var world = systems.GetWorld ();
        var entity = world.NewEntity ();
        ref var evt = ref world.GetPool<EcsGroupSystemState> ().Add (entity);
        evt.Name = "Melee";
        evt.State = true;
// startup code.
var systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
    // Adds disabled group "Melee" with 2 nested systems,
    // group-events will be stored in default world.
    .AddGroup ("Melee", false, null,
        new MeleeSystem1 (),
        new MeleeSystem2 ())
    // Other systems.
    .Add (new MeleeGroupEnableSystem ())
    .Init ();

Autoremove components at point

DelHere() helper can be used to autoremove components at required point in execution sequence:

var systems = new EcsSystems (new EcsWorld ());
    .Add (new System1 ())
    .Add (new System2 ())
    // All C1 components will be removed here.
    .DelHere<C1> ()
    .Add (new System3 ())
    // All C2 components will be removed here.
    .DelHere<C2> ()
    .Add (new System4 ())
    .Init ();

Important! if DelHere() removes components from custom world - AddWorld() call for this world should be placed before DelHere().


The software is released under the terms of the MIT license.

No personal support or any guarantees.