This is a package written entirely in Python to place and manipulate molecules on a substrate and then generate coordinates that can be used as inputs to first-principles calculation codes like Quantum Espresso or VASP.
In more specific terms, the package allows the user to create objects such as molecules and slabs, which are made of atomic objects, and combine them into a system in which one or more molecular objects are adsorbed onto a slab object that acts as a substrate. An adsorbed molecule can be moved to a specific location on the substrate (e.g., a predefined adsorption site), can be shifted a certain distance from its current position, and can be rotated in three dimensions. Last but not least, an adsorbed molecule can be desorbed (removed) from the substrate.
Object model
The package consists of five classes:
- Species defines the properties of the chemical elements of atoms.
- Atom defines the attributes of atoms and the methods for manipulating this type of object.
- Molecule defines the attributes of molecules and the methods for manipulating this type of object.
- Slab defines the attributes of substrates and the methods for handling this type of object.
- Adsorption defines the attributes of a system that contains a substrate (Slab object) and one or more molecules (Molecule object(s)) adsorbed on it and the methods for manipulating these molecules.
Basic usage
The main use of the package is to generate coordinates for first principle calculations of systems in which one or more molecules are adsorbed onto a substrate.
There are different ways to do this and the Jupyter notebooks in the tests directory offer examples of usage. In general, the process starts by instantiating a Slab object. This object will play the role of substrate where the molecules are adsorbed. Then one or more Molecule objects must be created. Substrate and molecule(s) are brought together by means of an Adsorption object.
Creation of an Atom object
Molecule and Slab objects are both made of Atom objects. To create an Atom object, first a Species object must be instantiated:
symbol : string
Symbol of the chemical element, e.g., "C" for carbon.
element : string, optional
Name of the atomic element, e.g., "carbon". The default is None.
atomicnumber : integer, optional
Atomic number of the element. The default is None.
atomicmass : float, optional
Atomic mass of the element, usually in atomic units. The default is
pseudopotential : string, optional
Name of the file containing the pseudopotential for the element,
to be employed in DFT calculations. The default is None.
Then an Atom object can be instantiated:
species : Species object
Atomic species of the atom.
x : Python list, optional
Cartesian coordinates of the atom. The default is [0.0,0.0,0.0].
fixed : Python list, optional
Defines if a component of the atomic coordinates remains unaltered
in the course of a geometry optimization. The default is
Most of the time, Molecule and Slab objects will be created by reading atomic coordinates from files, such as XYZ format files, so Species and Atom objects will not need to be created explicitly.
Creation of a Slab object
The simplest (but not the only) way to instantiate a Slab object is to get the atomic positions and lattice vectors from an XYZ file:
slabname : string
A label allowing you to identify the slab, for instance, "graphene".
filename : string
Name of the file containing the slab structure.
filetype : string
Type of the file containing the slab structure. For now, only 'XYZ'
is accepted.
It is usually a good idea to define adsorption sites on the Slab object where the molecule(s) will be adsorbed. The adsorption sites are grouped in a Python dictionary where each key identifies a site type. To add an adsorption site to the Slab object, the add_adsorption_site method should be used:
ads_site : string
Label of the adsorption site.
pos : Python list
Coordinates of the adsorption site on the XY plane.
Sometimes, it is convenient to increase the size of the slab using the replicate method:
n : integer
Number of replications along the first lattice vector.
m : integer
Number of replications along the second lattice vector.
replicate_ads_sites : logical, optional
Whether also replicate the adsorption sites or not. The default is
The atomic coordinates and lattice vectors of the Slab object can be saved in a file in XYZ format by calling the write_xyz method:
filename : string, optional
Name of the XYZ file. The default is "".
Once created, there are several attributes of the Slab object that can be accessed by the user:
label : string, readonly
Label that identifies the slab.
atoms : Python list, readonly
List of atoms in the slab.
atomtypes : Python list, readonly
List of atom types in the slab.
adsorptionsites : Python dictionary, readonly
Dictionary of adsorption sites on the slab surface.
top : float, readonly
Top of the substrate surface.
bottom : float, readonly
Bottom of the substrate surface.
origin : Python list
Position with minimum values of X, Y, and Z coordinates of the slab.
latticevectors : Python list
Repetition vectors in the XY plane.
ID : integer, readonly
Unique slab identifier.
Information about other Slab object methods and how to use them can be found in the comments in the _slab.py_ module.
Creation of a Molecule object
A Molecule object, particularly if it represents a molecule made up of more than a handful of atoms, can be created from a file in XYZ format:
moltype : string
A label allowing you to identify the type of the molecule, for
instance, "benzene" or "C6H12".
filename : string
Name of the file containing the molecule structure.
filetype : string
Type of the file containing the molecule structure. For now, only
'XYZ' is accepted.
Anchors are reference points on the Molecule object that are used when the molecule is moved or rotated. Every Molecule object has at least one default anchor point, whose label is "com", corresponding to the center of mass of the molecule. Anchors points are grouped in a Python dictionary and can be created using the add_anchor method:
anchor : string
Name of the anchor point.
pos : Python list
Cartesian coordinates of the anchor point.
The atomic coordinates of the Molecule object can be saved in a file in XYZ format by calling the write_xyz method:
filename : string, optional
Name of the XYZ file. The default is "".
Once created, there is a number of attributes of the Molecule object that can be accessed by the user:
moleculetype : string, readonly
Label that identifies the type of the molecule.
atoms : Python list, readonly
List of atoms in the molecule.
anchors : Python dictionary, readonly
Dictionary of anchor points.
atomtypes : Python list, readonly
List of atomic species in the molecule.
centerofmass : Python list
Center of mass of the molecule.
maxx,minx,maxy,miny,maxz,minz : floats, readonly
Molecule extremities.
ID : int, readonly
Unique molecule identifier.
Additionally, a Molecule object can be created as a copy of another existing Molecule object using the copy method:
Molecule object
Copy of the molecule.
Information about other Molecule object methods and how to use them can be found in the comments in the _molecule.py_ module.
Adsorbing molecule(s) onto a substrate
The adsorption of one or more molecules onto a substrate is done by creating an Adsorption object taking as its argument a Slab object that will serve as the substrate:
substrate : Slab object
Substrate where one or more molecules can be adsorbed.
After the Adsorption object is created, a molecule is adsorbed using the add_molecule method which has two versions:
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule.
ads_site : string
Label of the adsorption site.
ads_site_index : int
Index of an adsorption site on the substrate.
anchor : string
Anchor point in the molecule that will be vertically aligned with
the adsorption site on the substrate.
vert_sep : float
Nearest vertical distance separating the molecule from the
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule.
pos : Python list
XY coordinates in the substrate above which the molecule will be
anchor : string
Anchor point in the molecule that will be vertically aligned with
the adsorption site on the substrate.
vert_sep : float
Nearest vertical distance separating the molecule from the
An adsorbed molecule can be removed using one of two versions of the remove_molecule method:
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule to be removed.
remove_molecule(molid) -> removes an adsorbed molecule.
molid : int
ID of the adsorbed molecule.
A molecule can be moved to a specific location on the substrate using one of the four versions of the move_molecule__to method:
molid : int
ID of the adsorbed molecule.
x : Python list
New position of the molecule's anchor point.
anchor : string
Anchor point used as reference for translations.
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule.
x : Python list
New position of the molecule's anchor point.
anchor : string
Anchor point used as reference for translations.
molid : int
ID of the adsorbed molecule.
ads_site : string
Label of the adsorption site.
ads_site_index : int
Index of an adsorption site on the substrate.
anchor : string
Anchor point in the molecule that will be vertically aligned with
the adsorption site on the substrate.
vert_sep : float
Nearest vertical distance separating the molecule from the
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule.
ads_site : string
Label of the adsorption site.
ads_site_index : int
Index of an adsorption site on the substrate.
anchor : string
Anchor point in the molecule that will be vertically aligned with
the adsorption site on the substrate.
vert_sep : float
Nearest vertical distance separating the molecule from the
A molecule can be rotated around a previously defined anchor point using one of two versions of the rotate_molecule method:
molid : int
ID of the molecule that will be rotated around the anchor point.
theta : float
First Euler angle, in degrees.
phi : float
Second Euler angle, in degrees.
psi : float
Third Euler angle, in degrees.
anchor : string
Anchor point around which the molecule will be rotated.
molecule : Molecule object
Molecule that will be rotated around the anchor point.
theta : float
First Euler angle, in degrees.
phi : float
Second Euler angle, in degrees.
psi : float
Third Euler angle, in degrees.
anchor : string
Anchor point around which the molecule will be rotated.
The separation between a molecule and the substrate (i.e., the difference between the lowest z-coordinate of the molecule and the top of the substrate) can be set by calling one of the versions of the set_separation method:
molid : int
ID of the adsorbed molecule.
sep : float
Nearest distance separating the molecule from the substrate.
molecule : Molecule object
Adsorbed molecule.
sep : float
Nearest distance separating the molecule from the substrate.
It is worth noting that when using the methods of the Adsorption object to manipulate a molecule adsorbed onto the substrate, a user-defined minimum separation distance is enforced in order to prevent the molecule and substrate from overlapping.
The atomic coordinates of the adsorbed system can be saved in a file in XYZ format by calling the write_xyz method:
filename : string, optional
Name of the XYZ file. The default is "".
vacuum : float, optional
Height of the vacuum layer to be added to the top of the adsorbed
system. The default is 10.0 (Angstroms).
Once created, there is a number of attributes of the Adsorption object that can be accessed by the user:
substrate : Slab, readonly
Slab object that represents the substrate where molecules are adsorbed.
adsorbedmolecules : Python list, readonly
List of adsorbed molecule(s).
atomtypes : Python list, readonly
List of atom types in the slab+molecule(s) system.
minimumseparation : float
Minimum separation between the atom(s) with lowest Z value in the
adsorbed molecule(s) and the atom(s) with highest Z value in the
substrate. The default is 1.0 Angstroms.
Information about other Adsorption object methods and how to use them can be found in the comments in the _adsorption.py_ module.
To install the latest version of the package, the pip command can be used as follows:
pip install MolAdsPy
The multipledispatch package is a requirement and will also be installed if not found on the machine.
If you use MolAdsPy in your own projects and if you don't mind, when publishing the results, please cite the following papers of mine:
- Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of pristine and oxygen-adsorbed graphene nanoribbons
- Interfacial properties of polyethylene/Ti3C2Tx mxene nanocomposites investigated by first-principles calculations
- Self-assembly of NiTPP on Cu(111): a transition from disordered 1D wires to 2D chiral domains
Final disclaimer
The package documentation is at a very early stage. It will be updated over time, but the user can always refer to comments on the methods and properties of the modules that make up the package for help on how to use them.
This code is provided as is. The author makes no guarantee that its results are accurate and is not responsible for any losses caused by the use of the code.
If you have any comments, suggestions or corrections, please feel free to drop me a message.