
Mount-IMMISO: RDCLI executable 'E:\sh\IBM\ASU\rdmount.exe' not found

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trying to mount an ISO, writing a ISO full path and getting the error:

PS C:\Users\user\Downloads> Mount-IMMISO -IMM -ISO C:\Users\user\Downloads\centos7.iso
RDCLI executable 'E:\sh\IBM\ASU\rdmount.exe' not found
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\IMM-Module\IMM-Module.psm1:2074 char:48
+ ... ileSystem::$RDMExec)) {Throw "RDCLI executable '$RDMExec' not found"}
+                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (RDCLI executabl....exe' not found:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RDCLI executable 'E:\sh\IBM\ASU\rdmount.exe' not found

doing Test-Path to validate the ISO input, and it returned Okay.

PS C:\Users\user\Downloads> Test-Path -Path C:\Users\user\Downloads\centos7.iso
rgel commented