
Storage bucket for misc useful RightScale SelfService things.

Primary LanguageRuby


Storage bucket for misc useful RightScale SelfService things.

bundle install

mkdir -p ~/.right_api_client
cp login.yml.example ~/.right_api_client/login.yml

# Edit login.yml accordingly

rake -T

git s

API Requests

There are rake tasks for specific API calls


List all your running CloudApps

rake cloudapp_list
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Logging into self service @ https://selfservice-4.rightscale.com
    "kind": "self_service#execution",
    "id": "546e780a1aad6a37a900001c",
    "name": "foo",
    "href": "/api/manager/projects/44134/executions/546e780a1aad6a37a900001c",
    "description": "This is not an empty string",
    "status": "running",
    "cost": {
      "value": "0.00",
      "unit": "$",
      "updated_at": null
    "deployment": "/api/deployments/504781004",
    "created_by": {
      "id": 42138,
      "name": "Ryan Geyer",
      "email": "ryan.geyer@rightscale.com"
    "timestamps": {
      "created_at": "2014-11-20T23:23:54+00:00",
      "launched_at": "2014-11-20T23:23:54+00:00",
      "terminated_at": null
    "links": {
      "running_operations": {
        "href": "/api/manager/projects/44134/operations?filter[]=execution_id==546e780a1aad6a37a900001c&filter[]=status==running"
      "latest_notifications": {
        "href": "/api/manager/projects/44134/notifications?filter[]=execution_id==546e780a1aad6a37a900001c"


Preprocesses the CAT, then compiles it. On success, it's pretty quiet.

rake "template_compile[tests/definitions/server_template_tests.cat.rb]"
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Uploading template to SS compile_template
Template compiled successfully

If compile fails, you'll know why.

rake "template_compile[tests/parsefail.cat.rb]"
Logging into RightScale API 1.5 @ https://us-4.rightscale.com
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Uploading template to SS compile_template
Failed to compile template
    "origin": "template: template.cat, line: 236",
    "problem": "Undefined variable or method",
    "summary": "'error' is undefined",
    "resolution": "Review the list of built-in methods at http://support.rightscale.com"
    "origin": "template: template.cat, line: 0",
    "problem": "Missing short description",
    "summary": "Template source is missing 'short_description' declaration",
    "resolution": "Please add a 'short_description' declaration, e.g. short_description \"My CloudApp\""
    "origin": "template: template.cat, line: 0",
    "problem": "Missing engine version",
    "summary": "Template source is missing 'rs_ca_ver' declaration",
    "resolution": "Please add a 'rs_ca_ver' declaration, e.g. rs_ca_ver \"20121202\""


Lists all the available templates, no options, though some would likely be useful

rake template_list                                                                    *[master][ruby-1.9.3-p545@cat-and-rcl]
Logging into RightScale API 1.5 @ https://us-4.rightscale.com
Logging into self service @ https://selfservice-4.rightscale.com
    "kind": "self_service#template",
    "id": "546e77cea20be70e1e00007e",
    "name": "server_template_tests",
    "filename": "server_template_tests20141120-41959-1gwp7xc.cat.rb",
    "href": "/api/designer/collections/44134/templates/546e77cea20be70e1e00007e",
    "short_description": "This is not an empty string",
    "created_by": {
      "id": 42138,
      "name": "Ryan Geyer",
      "email": "ryan.geyer@rightscale.com"
    "timestamps": {
      "created_at": "2014-11-20T23:22:54+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2014-11-20T23:22:54+00:00",
      "published_at": null


Creates or updates a template based on the CAT name, just like the UI

rake "template_upsert[tests/definitions/server_template_tests.cat.rb]"
Logging into RightScale API 1.5 @ https://us-4.rightscale.com
Logging into self service @ https://selfservice-4.rightscale.com
Template upserted. HREF: /api/designer/collections/44134/templates/546e77cea20be70e1e00007e


You can run tests with the "test" rake task.

rake test

By default the test task runs all tests found in tests/**/*.cat.rb, but you can specify your own glob (relative to tests/)

rake "test[system/*.cat.rb]"

Test types

There are three types of tests you can run.

Compile Only

If you have a CAT you expect to compile successfully you can use the tag test:compile_only=true


name "UTF-8 Test"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "Caché"

parameter "foo" do
  type "string"
  label "Foo"
  default "Caché"
  operations "launch"

If you expect it to compile successfully but it doesn't due to system issues you'd use the test:desired_state=running tag.


name "UTF-8 Test"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "Caché"

parameter "foo" do
  type "string"
  label "Foo"
  default "Caché"
  operations "launch"

If you expect it to fail to compile, you'd use the test:expected_state=failed tag.


name "UTF-8 Test"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "Caché"

parameter "foo" do

# Should fail to compile because parameter "foo" has no parameters

CloudApp Executes

If you expect a CloudApp to execute successfully, you don't need to specify anything at all.

name "foo"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "empty, but successful"

If you expect a CloudApp to execute successfully, or fail, it doesn't reach that state due to a system issue, you want to specify the test:desired_state=(running|failed) tag.


name "foo"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "foo"

operation "launch" do
  description "Test arithmetic"
  definition "launch"

define launch() do
  $result = 1 + 1
  if $result != 2
    raise "RCL Can't do math"

If you expect a CloudApp to execute and fail, you'll want to specify the test:expected_state=failed tag.


name "foo"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "foo"

operation "launch" do
  description "Raise an error, failing the cloud app"
  definition "launch"

define launch() do
  raise "This oughta do it."

Special Operations Execute

You can also create a single CAT with many special operations which will act as test cases.


name "op tests"
rs_ca_ver 20131202
short_description "This is not an empty string"

operation "success_one" do
  description "Not empty"
  definition "success_one"

operation "success_two" do
  description "Not empty"
  definition "success_two"

operation "fail_one" do
  description "Not empty"
  definition "fail_one"

define success_one() do

define success_two() do

define fail_one() do
  raise "Fail"


Green - Test completed successfully and with the expected result Yellow - Test completed successfully but did not have the tag:desired_state Blue - Test completed successfully and did have the tag:desired_state Red - Test did not complete successfully, or the tag:expected_state was not matched

Results Image

Test Tags

Simple tagging to identify what to test, and what the desired result is.


This tag indicates that simply being able to "compile" this test file represents success.


Cause sometimes it's easier to let the test "fail" or throw an exception than to create the logic to allow it to finish.


This tag implies that under normal circumstances the test would complete with the specified state. However, it's expected that the test won't complete with that state due to system bugs or other things.

When a test with this tag completes in a state other than the specified state it will be marked Yellow.

When a test with this tag completes in the specified state it will be marked Green


You might wanna have a single CAT with multiple test cases. If so, create the CAT and create one special operation for each test case. Use this tag to specify the operation name to run, and the expected outcome.