
My own (Uber Simple) set of dot files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


This is my very green and (at least for now) very limited library of dotfiles.

In order to install it, you just...

Download it somewhere..

git clone git://github.com/rgeyer/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Then run the bootstrap script..


This will make a backup copy of any dotfile that may already exist in your home directory, then symlink all the dotfiles from this collection to your home directory.

More Descriptiveness

Did I mention I'm new to this?

Yeah so, you'll find a lot of stuff that's blatantly copied from other great dotfile projects (I'll point them out in the references below, and in comments where appropriate), as well as stuff that I completely, or partly don't understand.


If you're on windows, do this - https://jeremyskinner.co.uk/2018/07/27/sharing-home-directory-between-windows-and-wsl/

Source linkage