Open Source on-the-fly image server. Resize your S3 images on the fly using ImageMagick, then cache them using CloudFront.
After uploading your full size image to S3 you can request a resized image to place on your page.
- s3path (required, valid paths defined in valid-s3-paths.ini)
- size (default=200)
- square (true | false, default=false)
- S3 bucket with * public * images
- EC2 server (or auto scaling group)
- You can use the following EC2 AMI: ami-1a75f173
- You could use you own server. See the server configuration. ec2_config.txt
- CloudFront to cache your images (Forwarded Query Strings)
Configure the valid-s3-paths.ini so that only your images can be accessed.
AMI ID: ami-1a75f173
AMI Name: bluefin_aws_image_server
If you would like to contribute to this open-source project please let me know (
For example if you wish the service performed another operation on an image, please write the code and submit the update.