

  • Optional clean up everything related to docker: docker system prune -a --volumes.
  • Verify correct domain in nginx/nginx.conf.
  • Verify no volumes from older versions docker volume ls.
  • Verify TZ is correct in all Dockerfiles (nginx/web).
  • Set domain name in postfix/postfix.env.
  • Database credentials: Set new credentials in db/db_conn.env.
  • Configure .env taken from prod.env:
    • Generate new SECRET_KEY.
    • Restrict Allowed Hosts.
    • Set admin details ADMIN_NAME, ADMIN_EMAIL, SERVER_EMAIL.
    • Set new GPG passphrase DBBACKUP_GPG_PASSPHRASE.

Base Installation

  • Run containers : docker-compose up --build -d.
  • Verify status: docker ps -a, docker-compose logs -f.

TLS letsencrypt

In the nginx container, docker exec -it nginx sh, run: certbot --nginx -d -d --agree-tos -m (persisted in letsencrypt volume). A new configuration is written in /etc/nginx/nginx. Test renewal with certbot renew --dry-run. If OK, add the following cronjob: 0 6 * * * certbot renew --post-hook "nginx -s reload"

Backup system

  • In the web container, generate new GPG keys with scripts/ (persisted in gpginfrastructure volume).
  • Install and configure rclone
    • On client machine, rclone config, select drive, keep default options to do oauth via browser.
    • Copy drive configuration file to web container /root/.config/rclone/rclone.conf. Test with rclone about "drive:.
  • Test by running -r,
  • On host machine, configure cron job for * configure TZ: timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Brussels, then service cron restart * crontab -e : * 4 * * * /usr/bin/docker exec django-ims /app/web/scripts/ 2>&1

Post Installation

  • Add superuser : docker exec -it django-ims bash, then inside the container python createsuperuser.


Updating the application

  • Make the update in code.
  • docker-compose up --build -d, unchanged containers are left unchanged.

Updating nginx

  • If nginx.conf changed for an already running application, the update won't be reflected in the containers because of the persistent nginxconf volume. To update the configuration file, find its location on the host system (inspect) and change it there manually.
  • Reload nginx: docker exec nginx "nginx -s reload".
  • If need to reconfigure TLS with existing keys in /etc/letsencrypt: Just run again certbot --nginx -d -d --agree-tos -m and choose to reuse the existing certificates (persisted in the letsencrypt volume).

Restoring a backup

  • Get the whole system up
  • Set up PGP keys (if not already set): in django-ims * Check not clashing existent key for gpg --list-keys * Import public key: gpg --import public.key. * Import private key (requires password): gpg --import private.key.
  • Put the 2 backup files (db and media) in django-ims /var/backups/web/ (if not already existent).
  • Run restore: in django-ims: scripts/