
Determine the most frequently logged values from a standard nginx access log.

Primary LanguagePython

travis-ci coveralls


Determine the most frequently logged values from a standard nginx access log.

Optional Arguments

  • -s, --segment <segment>

    The data segment whose frequency you'd like to determine. Allowed choices:

    • status_code (Status Code)
    • remote_user (Remote User)
    • ip_address (IP Address)
    • http_user_agent (User Agent)
    • http_referrer (Referrer)

    Default: ip_address

  • -l, --limit <limit>

    An integer which determines the length of the list returned.

    Default: 10

  • -f, --file <path-to-access-log-file>

    The path on disk of the nginx access log you'd like evaluated.

    Default: /var/log/nginx/access.log

Example Usage

To see a list of the top 10 most frequently logged IP addresses:

$ python nginx_access_log_frequency.py --segment ip_address --limit 10

To see a list of the top 5 most frequently logged user agents from a log file stored in a location other than /var/log/nginx/access.log:

$ python nginx_access_log_frequency.py -s http_user_agent -l 5 -f /var/log/custom-log-location/access.log

NOTE: If you've cloned down this repo and want to test this script but don't have an nginx access log handy just include -f example-access.log to use the included example log.

Running Tests

Use the following command to run tests:

$ python run_tests.py