
Simple Flask app to display Spotify currently played song after logging in

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Flask app to expose an endpoint to display a logged-in user's currently played song.

  1. You will need to register an app at Spotify for Developers in order to generate a Client ID and Client Secret. Redirect URI will also need to point to the /callback endpoint. Because your app will be in development mode, you will also need to manually add the e-mail addresses of the users using your app in the 'Users and Access' section of the Spotify Dashboard.

  2. Install requirements and configure your environment variables (see .env.example)

> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python main.py
  1. Launch the app to see a sign-in link which will ask for authorization via the Spotify Accounts service. Once you're signed in, a randomized endpoint will be created for you.

  2. This endpoint will display your current song and can be called via a Twitch chat bot, for example.

# streamelements custom bot command
${urlfetch http://www.yoursite.com/spotify/currently_playing/PgGE2r5}


  • I made this primarily for my streaming friends to add a !song command without having to download any scrobbling software.
  • Sessions should be persistent for a year. Signing out will remove your tokens and session. Logging back in will create a new endpoint.
  • Currently uses Redis to store access and refresh tokens, though it could be modified to use any database.