
GitLab Source Link Proxy

Primary LanguageGo

Basic Authorization support for GitLab Source Link requests.

You can see this used at rgl/gitlab-vagrant.

GitLab configuration

Configure GitLab nginx to proxy the Visual Studio requests through our proxy by applying the patch at:


Restart nginx:

gitlab-ctl restart nginx

Build the binary:


Manually run it:

./dist/gitlab-source-link-proxy_$(go env GOOS)_$(go env GOARCH)/gitlab-source-link-proxy \
  --gitlab-base-url https://gitlab.example.com

Try it:

http --verify=no -v https://root:password@gitlab.example.com/example/ubuntu-vagrant/raw/master/.gitignore User-Agent:SourceLink

Install it as a systemd service:

# add the gitlab-source-link-proxy user.
groupadd --system gitlab-source-link-proxy
adduser \
    --system \
    --disabled-login \
    --no-create-home \
    --gecos '' \
    --ingroup gitlab-source-link-proxy \
    --home /opt/gitlab-source-link-proxy \
install -d -o root -g gitlab-source-link-proxy -m 750 /opt/gitlab-source-link-proxy
install -d -o root -g gitlab-source-link-proxy -m 750 /opt/gitlab-source-link-proxy/bin

# install the binary.
install -o root -g root -m 555 gitlab-source-link-proxy /opt/gitlab-source-link-proxy/bin

# install the systemd service.
cat >/etc/systemd/system/gitlab-source-link-proxy.service <<EOF

ExecStart=/opt/gitlab-source-link-proxy/bin/gitlab-source-link-proxy --gitlab-base-url https://gitlab.example.com

systemctl enable gitlab-source-link-proxy
systemctl start gitlab-source-link-proxy

Show the service status and logs:

systemctl status gitlab-source-link-proxy
journalctl -u gitlab-source-link-proxy

Visual Studio configuration

To be able to step through external source code you need to disable Enable Just My Code setting in the Tools | Options | Debugger window.

To be able to download source code you need to configure Visual Studio to authenticate your GitLab domain requests.

For Visual Studio 15.8+, open the Tools | Options | Debugger window and check Fall back to Git Credential Manager authentication for all Source Link requests.

For older versions of Visual Studio 15:

  1. Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017
  2. run notepad "%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Platform\Debugger\VsDebugPresentationPackage.pkgdef"
  3. Add your GitLab domain as a Git Credential Manager Authority in the corresponding ini section, e.g.:
  4. run devenv /setup

Visual Studio Code OmniSharp configuration

To be able to step through external source code you need to disable Just My Code in the Debugger Launch Settings.

NB There is no support for accessing private repositories, as it does not support authentication. For more information see the Source Link options documentation and upvote the #2071 issue.