
Primary LanguagePython



Note: using vagrant

$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:progulski/musicbox.git
cd MusicBox/

To run vagrant (remember to be in folder with Vagrantfile):

vagrant up

Enter to vagrant virtual machine:

vagrant ssh
cd musicbox/

To run stream we need to install and configurate a server. While installing choose Yes to configure it and set up passwords, for host leave default (localhost). REMEMBER PASSWORD

sudo apt-get install icecast2

Set up your icecast2 password in deefuzzer.xml:

sed -i -e 's/hackme/YOUR_ICECAST2_PASSWORD/g' /home/vagrant/musicbox/deefuzzer.xml


sed -i -e 's/hackme/my_new_pass/g' /home/vagrant/musicbox/deefuzzer.xml

Before you run application, run tests:


Run musicbox application:

cd musicbox/
python app.py

Application is available under (I'm sure that app works on chrome):

Stream is available under:

What I did:

  • set up vagrant

  • set up mongodb (Why mongo? I never used it, so I thought it'll be a good idea to learn a little bit about it)

  • backend api using flask and python

  • basic tests

  • building musicbox python package

  • docstrings to generate documentation using Sphinx

  • coding python style as it is described in OpenStack Style Guide

  • frontend in Bootstrap and jQuery

  • set up stream tools (icecast2, defuzzer)

  • playing music when user enter the website from moment that song is streamed on server

  • user can upload his own music in mp3 format

  • when someone upload file every user receive alert that new song has been added (using socketio)

  • displaying current song played and playlist (using socketio and thread as a worker:( but about thread later)

  • song aren't queued, they are played in alphabetic order (Deefuzzer API doesn't give possibility to set it or I couldn't find it)

  • read and tested other tools for streaming or APIs like soundcloud, but gave up with them becasue there are authors rights and can't upload someones songs


  • rewrite all js (it looks very bad)

  • better looking frontend (it looks very bad as well)

  • do not redirect after file upload

  • somehow create queue of songs (probably it can be done parsing xml file with playlist or there is api to do that but I havent time for it (I'll check it later for curiosity)

  • thread as a worker, instead of this if I had more time I would use Celery

  • instead of bash script as provisor in vagrant config there should be used Puppet

  • secure database

How it could be expand:

  • finish TODO list

  • create users

  • create more radio stations

  • create chat for users