
Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


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A drop-in Clojure adaptation of Flipper for feature flagging.

Pete Hodgson has a great overview of why you should consider using feature flags, and how not to get burned by them.


Respects Flipper's Redis and Postgres data store implementations, so that you can still use the existing Ruby admin web UI and API to manage the feature store.


(require '[hyak2.core :as hyak])
(require '[hyak2.memory-store :as mem]) ;; or redis-store, or postgres-store

;; an in-memory store is useful for tests or browsers, but can't easily share
;; across multiple appservers ... use the redis or postgres fstore for that.
(def fstore (mem/create-fstore!))

;; fake users aka. actors for the gates below. The representation of an actor
;; is up to you. Consider what you'll use for an "actor key" aka. `akey` in
;; your enabled checks
(def enabled-actor  {:id 1000 :username "willy"})
(def disabled-actor {:id 1001 :username "shamu"})

(def MY-FEATURE-FLAG "my_great_new_feature")
(hyak/add! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG)

;; in application code a feature check is simply a call to `hyak/enabled?`.
;; Write the code so that it fails "safe." If the feature store is missing or
;; unresponsive, the *unreleased* branch should execute.

(if (hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG enabled-actor)
  (prn "doing the new thing")
  (prn "doing the old thing"))

;; hyak uses a concept of 5 different kinds of "gates" to determine whether a
;; feature is enabled or not.

;; 1. boolean gate
;; Feature is either on or off for all users, but checked at runtime.

(hyak/enable! fstore  MY-FEATURE-FLAG)
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG) ;; => true
(hyak/disable! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG)

;; 2. actor gate
;; Is a actor's identifier in a set of users who get the feature? Good for
;; previewing features to known users.

(hyak/enable-actor! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG 1001)
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG (:id enabled-actor))  ;; => true
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG (:id disabled-actor)) ;; => false
(hyak/disable! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG)

;; 3. percentage of actors gate
;; Is the actor in a (deterministic) partition of n % of the users? (we use
;; `mod 100` on a numeric checksum of the supplied actor identifier, so an
;; actor in the enabled set will stay in the set over successive calls). Good
;; for gradually rolling out UI features.

(hyak/enable-percentage-of-actors! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG 50)
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG (:username enabled-actor))  ;; => true
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG (:username disabled-actor)) ;; => false
(hyak/disable! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG)

;; 4. percentage of time gate
;; Randomly make some percentage of all requests enable the feature, without
;; regard for the actor. Good for gradually bringing up load on backend
;; features that tax the system, but where we otherwise don't care who uses it.

(hyak/enable-percentage-of-time! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG 10)
(let [tries 1000]
  (/ (count (filter true? (repeatedly tries #(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG))))
     tries)) ;; => should expect somewhere near 0.1
(hyak/disable! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG)

;; 5. group gate
;; Is an arbitrary predicate true for the actor? Good for defining eg. admin
;; users, or a set of beta testers. Unlike the other gates, this one requires
;; registering code on the fstore to establish the group, so probably requires
;; a re-deploy to adjust the group predicate. It's just a function, though, so
;; you could supply one closed over a more dynamic data source to eg. respond
;; to the contents of a redis key at runtime.

(def in-group-actor {:id 1002 :username "tahlequah" :in-group? true})
(defn in-group? [actor] (:in-group? actor))
(hyak/register-group! fstore "group-name" in-group?)

(hyak/enable-group! fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG "group-name")
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG enabled-actor)     ;; => false
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG disabled-actor)    ;; => false
(hyak/enabled? fstore MY-FEATURE-FLAG in-group-actor)    ;; => true