
pterocxx is library built to provide API to communicate with pterodactyl.io panels through REST in C++.

Primary LanguageC++


Codacy Badge Build Linux

Lightweight pterodactyl API library written in c++.


Setup CMake


  • Conan

Clone pterocxx repository,

git submodule add https://github.com/rgnter/pterocxx vendor/pterocxx

add it as a subproject in CMake, and link aganist it.

# Add pterocxx subproject

# Include & Link pterocxx

Basic API


To do anything, you will need pterocxx::application instance,

// constructs application
pterocxx::application app("panel.example.net",
                        // port = 443,          Server port
                        // app_name="pterocxx"  Used in user agent when sending requests
// initialize application
/* do some work*/
// synchronize with application thread

it contains info such as endpoint hostname, application key, endpoint port & optional application name. Application is then intialized with pterocxx::application::init, it spawns thread and begins work. You can sychronize with the spawned thread by calling pterocxx::application::sync. Application is terminated by calling pterocxx::application::term


Endpoint can return errors when calling any request, you can query them as such:

app.any_request([](const pterocxx::any_response& response) {
      for (const auto &error : response.errors) {
          printf("Error: %s, %s, %s\n", error.detail.c_str(), error.code.c_str(), error.status.c_str());

you can read more about errors on Pterodactyl API Reference.

Naming Conventions

Every request has name, such as get_users, get_servers. Every request has response which name begins with (request_name)_response_(s - struct), such as get_users_response, get_servers_response.

User API

Get users

Retrieve all users.

app.get_users([](const pterocxx::get_users_response_s& response) {
    // users container
    const pterocxx::list_object_s<pterocxx::user_s> users = response.users;
    // loop through all the users, and print their names
    for (const auto &user : users.data) {
        printf("Username: %s\n", user.username.c_str());

Get user details

Retrieve user details.

// user id
const pterocxx::user_id_t user_id = 1;
app.get_user_details(user_id, [](const pterocxx::get_user_details_response_s& response) {
    const pterocxx::user_s user = response.user;
    // print username
    printf("Username: %s\n", user.username.c_str());

Create user

Create user.

// immutable user model
pterocxx::user_s user;
    .set_first_name("first name")
    .set_last_name("last name");
app.create_user(user, [](const pterocxx::create_user_response_s& response) {
    // created user
    const pterocxx::user_s user = response.user;
    // print username and user id
    printf("Username: %s - Id: %d\n", user.username.c_str(), user.id);

Update user

Update user.

pterocxx::user_s user;
user.id = 1;

app.update_user(user.id, user, [](const pterocxx::update_user_response_s& response) {
    // modified user
    const pterocxx::user_s user = response.user;
    // print username and user id
    printf("Username: %s - Id: %d\n", user.username.c_str(), user.id);

Delete user

Delete user.

pterocxx::user_s user;
user.id = 1;
app.delete_user(user.id, [](const pterocxx::delete_user_response_s& response) {
    if(response.successful) {
        printf("Successfully deleted user\n");



  • OpenSSL
  • Boost
  • CMake
  • Conan