
Red Hat Summit 2019 Workshop

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AMQ Online

Designing Cloud-Based Messaging Services for Business and IoT

Red Hat Summit 2019 Workshop

Install EnMasse

  1. Get the EnMasse 0.28 bundle

    curl -LO https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/releases/download/0.28.0/enmasse-0.28.0.tgz
  2. Unpack

    tar xzf enmasse-0.28.0.tgz
  3. Log in to OpenShift as a user with cluster-admin role, and create a new project:

    oc login -u system:admin
    oc new-project enmasse-infra
  4. Deploy the bundle

    cd enmasse-0.28.0
    oc apply -f install/bundles/enmasse
  5. Install example plans and infrastructure configuration:

    oc apply -f install/components/example-plans
  6. Install the authentication services:

    oc apply -f install/components/example-authservices
  7. Install service admin and tenant roles

    oc apply -f install/components/example-roles
  8. Get the console route, and note it down

    oc get route console

    the output should look something like:

    NAME      HOST/PORT                                     PATH      SERVICES   PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
    console   console-enmasse-infra.             console    https     reencrypt     None

    For this example, the AMQ Console can be reached at https://console-enmasse-infra.

Add Prometheus Monitoring and Grafana Dashboards

  1. Update the monitoring bundle from this repository

    rm -rf install/bundles/monitoring
    curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rgodfrey/summit-2019-workshop/master/updated-monitoring.tgz | tar xf -
  2. Install the monitoring operator

    oc new-project enmasse-monitoring
    oc apply -f install/components/monitoring-operator
  3. Deploy the kube-state-metrics agent

    oc project enmasse-infra
    oc apply -f install/components/kube-state-metrics
  4. Reinstall monitoring operator if necessary (due to a race condition in the installation, the operator may need to be re-installed)

    a. check how many pods are running in the monitoring project

    oc get pods -n enmasse-monitoring

    b. if only the two operator pods exist, then reinstall

    oc delete project enmasse-monitoring
    oc new-project enmasse-monitoring
    oc apply -f install/components/monitoring-operator

Modify the Address Space Plans

  1. Create a new file direct-only-plan.yaml with the following content

    apiVersion: admin.enmasse.io/v1beta2
    kind: AddressSpacePlan
      name: direct-only
        app: enmasse
      displayName: Direct Only
      displayOrder: 0
      infraConfigRef: default
      shortDescription: Messaging infrastructure based on Apache Qpid Dispatch Router and Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.
      longDescription: Messaging infrastructure based on Apache Qpid Dispatch Router and Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. This plan allows up to 3 routers but does not allow for any store-and-forward addressing.
      addressSpaceType: standard
        router: 3.0
        broker: 0.0
        aggregate: 3.0
      - standard-small-anycast
      - standard-small-multicast
  2. Create the plan

    oc apply -f direct-only-plan.yaml
  3. Check the plan is present

    oc get addressspaceschema standard -o jsonpath='{.spec.plans[*].name}' | xargs -n1 | sort

    should return something like the below (i.e. including the new plan)

  4. Use the console to create a new address space (as a different user, e.g. developer) using this plan

Create An Address Space

  1. You can also delete plans
    oc delete addressspaceplan standard-unlimited-with-mqtt

As a tenant, create an address space and send/receive messages

Use the examples at https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse-example-clients