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​TODO LIST is a web application framework created with Laravel framework and with Admin Lte that makes it simple and elegant. I published it on github as a public project, the intention is that other developers who have any difficulties or even want to take advantage of the project, can do so. I already make it clear that, with absolute certainty, there are many points to improve and others that can even be changed with better techniques. Here are some features already implemented:

  • Multiple language
  • Web and api version
  • Web with basic authentication
  • Api with sanctum authentication
  • Sqlite database
  • PHP unit
  • Admin Lte for the frontend

Attention Points

Implemented middleware that allows a task to be updated or deleted only by the user who created it. (Can also be done with Policy)

To change the project(brand) name, follow the steps below

  • Open the .env file in the project root

To execute the project, follow the steps below

  • Open the terminal, access the project folder and run the command composer install

  • Duplicate the .env.example file and rename it to .env

  • Change the line DB_CONNECTION=mysql to DB_CONNECTION=sqlite

  • Delete the following lines:

    • DB_HOST=
    • DB_PORT=3306
    • DB_DATABASE=laravel
    • DB_USERNAME=root
  • Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan key:generate

  • Still in the terminal, run the command npm install

  • Still in the terminal, run the command npm run build

  • Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan serve

  • To run tests with phpunit. Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan test