TODO LIST is a web application framework created with Laravel framework and with Admin Lte that makes it simple and elegant. I published it on github as a public project, the intention is that other developers who have any difficulties or even want to take advantage of the project, can do so. I already make it clear that, with absolute certainty, there are many points to improve and others that can even be changed with better techniques. Here are some features already implemented:
- Multiple language
- Web and api version
- Web with basic authentication
- Api with sanctum authentication
- Sqlite database
- PHP unit
- Admin Lte for the frontend
Implemented middleware that allows a task to be updated or deleted only by the user who created it. (Can also be done with Policy)
- Open the .env file in the project root
Open the terminal, access the project folder and run the command composer install
Duplicate the .env.example file and rename it to .env
Change the line DB_CONNECTION=mysql to DB_CONNECTION=sqlite
Delete the following lines:
- DB_PORT=3306
- DB_DATABASE=laravel
Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan key:generate
Still in the terminal, run the command npm install
Still in the terminal, run the command npm run build
Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan serve
To run tests with phpunit. Still in the terminal, run the command php artisan test